Twelve Years a Slave Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

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Twelve Years a Slave Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 202 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who was likely to be behind the idea of Jacob Brooks taking Eliza to get her freedom papers?
(a) Elisha Berry.
(b) Mrs. Berry and her daughter.
(c) Eliza.
(d) Jacob Brooks.

2. What circumstances allowed Solomon Northrup to be born a free man?
(a) Solomon had been born in Canada, and his family had migrated to the United States.
(b) Solomon's mother was a free woman.
(c) Solomon was born after the United States Civil War.
(d) Solomon's father was a free man.

3. If Solomon should have been paying attention to anything that was happening while he traveled with Brown and Hamilton that may have been a clear indicator that things may not really be the way that they appeared to be, what should it have been?
(a) That the men did not seem to mind spending extra time in Washington City despite their rush to get to the circus.
(b) That the duo gave Solomon a series of drinks that he did not expect.
(c) That they were not getting to the circus despite the duo's claim that they should get there quickly.
(d) That there was a lot of whispering going on between Brown and Hamilton.

4. Why was Jacob Brooks willing to accompany Eliza to get her freedom papers?
(a) Because he wanted to impress Mrs. Berry and her daughter.
(b) Because he knew his way around the City, and could help Eliza find the place where freedom papers were issued with ease.
(c) Because he wanted to help Mrs. Berry and her daughter carry out their revenge against Eliza.
(d) Because he was a gentleman and did not mind accompanying Eliza.

5. If William Ford was a wealthy plantation owner, how did he manage to get into financial trouble?
(a) Mrs. Ford liked living extravagantly.
(b) The bank that he used has closed.
(c) The debt was not his--it was actually his sister's.
(d) The debt was not his--it was actually his brother's.

Short Answer Questions

1. How did the slaves treat Solomon after his ordeal with Tibeats was over?

2. What one element stood out when Tibeats set about to punish Solomon?

3. Why did Lawson take off in such high speed to find William Ford upon Chapin's request?

4. How did Solomon describe the interaction among Eliza, Randall, and Emily at the time that they first saw each other?

5. How were Solomon and the other slaves treated around Goodin's Pen in Richmond, Virginia?

Short Essay Questions

1. In Chapter 2 of the book, why did Solomon decide to leave Saratoga Springs and head for New York?

2. In Chapter 5 of the story, how could Englishman John Manning be described in relation to Solomon?

3. In Chapter 2 of the book, how did Merrill Brown and Abram Hamilton persuade Solomon to travel to New York with them?

4. In Chapter 6 of the book, what type of slave did Freeman's customers want to buy?

5. In Chapter 7 of the book, how could Solomon's new master, William Ford be characterized?

6. In Chapter 1 of his book, how was Author Solomon Northrup able to depict his early years in life as normal?

7. In Chapter 6 of the book, what did Freeman's customers do to examine his merchandise before making a purchase?

8. How was the slaves' departure from Washington City carried out in Chapter 4 of the book?

9. In the opening Chapter of the book, what did Solomon Northrup acknowledge as a contributing factor in his decision to write his book?

10. What lead Solomon to believe that he could consider Merrill Brown and Abram Hamilton to be friends of his in Chapter 2 of the book?

(see the answer keys)

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