Twelfth Night Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 125 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Twelfth Night Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 125 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who claims not to care “for good life” in Act II Scene III?
(a) Benvolio
(b) Sir Topas
(c) Feste
(d) Sir Andrew Aguecheek

2. What dog breed does Sir Toby Belch tell Sir Andrew that Maria is in Act II Scene III?
(a) A Great Dane
(b) A German Shepherd
(c) A Burmese Mountain Dog
(d) A Beagle

3. What is the setting of Act II Scene I?
(a) Before Olivia’s house
(b) The sea-coast
(c) The cubiculo
(d) The Elephant

4. Who sends Cesario to visit and woo Olivia for him in Act I Scene IV?
(a) Malvolio
(b) Feste
(c) Orsino
(d) Sir Andrew Aguecheek

5. Where does Viola say her brother is in Act I Scene II?
(a) Illyria
(b) Messaline
(c) Elysium
(d) Prague

6. Sebastian tells his friend and savior that he is bound for whose court in Act II Scene I?
(a) Olivia’s
(b) Fabian’s
(c) Orsino’s
(d) Sir Topas’s

7. Malvolio hands Cesario what object in Act II Scene II?
(a) A handkerchief
(b) A necklace
(c) A letter
(d) A ring

8. Viola solicits the Captain to help her disguise herself as what in Act I Scene II?
(a) A nun
(b) A priest
(c) A eunuch
(d) A queen

9. What is the setting for Act I Scene V?
(a) The sea-coast
(b) Olivia’s house
(c) Olivia’s garden
(d) Elysium

10. Where does Act I Scene IV take place?
(a) Olivia’s garden
(b) The sea-coast
(c) Olivia’s house
(d) Duke Orsino’s Palace

11. The Captain tells Viola in Act I Scene II that he last saw her brother clinging to what?
(a) A mast
(b) A ship wheel
(c) A suitcase
(d) A branch

12. What does Viola solicit to “untangle this” confusion in Act II Scene II?
(a) Fate
(b) Time
(c) Love
(d) God

13. Viola refers to her disguise as what in Act II Scene II?
(a) A courtesy
(b) An audacity
(c) A wickedness
(d) A crime

14. The jester says in Act II Scene III that “Malvolio’s nose is no” what?
(a) Lout
(b) Whipstock
(c) Coxcomb
(d) Hound’s

15. Orsino states in Act I Scene I, “If music be the food of ___, play on…”
(a) Faith
(b) Forgetfulness
(c) Honesty
(d) Love

Short Answer Questions

1. Olivia’s court jester states in Act I Scene V, “Let her hang me: he that is well hanged in this world needs to fear no” what?

2. Viola states in a soliloquy in Act II Scene II, “Fortune forbid my outside have not” what?

3. What does Sebastian believe has happened to his sister in Act II Scene I?

4. Upon entering, Sir Toby Belch states in Act II Scene III, “Approach, Sir Andrew: not to be abed after midnight is to be” what?

5. What word does Maria use in Act II Scene III that means to howl or screech like cats?

(see the answer keys)

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