Tunnel in the Sky Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 138 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Tunnel in the Sky Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 138 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. During an evening meeting in Chapter 10, who stands up and demands information regarding a constitution and bill of rights?
(a) Rod.
(b) Jimmy.
(c) Caroline.
(d) Shorty.

2. Why does Rod become angry during his first hunting expedition with a partner other than Jack?
(a) Rod's partner chases animals away, saving them from being killed by Rod.
(b) Rod's partner kills without Rod's help, rather than driving the animal toward him.
(c) Rod's partner is too noisy, warning animals of their approach.
(d) Rod's partner complains too much and was lazy.

3. Why does Rod initially turn down the position offered to him by Grant in Chapter 10?
(a) He does not want to answer to Roy in addition to Grant.
(b) He does not feel qualified for the position.
(c) He plans to leave the settlement.
(d) He plans to overthrow Grant.

4. In Chapter 13, when Rod refuses to resume his duties as city manager, who is appointed?
(a) Bill.
(b) Caroline.
(c) Roy.
(d) Cliff.

5. At the end of Chapter 10, what two students plan to marry according to Grant?
(a) Bill and Sue.
(b) Bob and Sue.
(c) Bob and Carmen.
(d) Bill and Carmen.

6. In Chapter 15, what personal news does Deacon Matson reveal to Rod?
(a) He plans to abolish Ramsbotham Gates.
(b) He has married Rod's sister, Helen.
(c) He has decided to settle in Cowpertown.
(d) Rod has earned an honorary degree.

7. When Rod and Roy reach the downstream end of the river on their expedition, what do they find?
(a) A dead sea and a beach of bleached bones.
(b) A series of cave dwellings and a desert.
(c) A series of cave dwellings and an ocean.
(d) A desert and a beach of bleached bones.

8. What is Rod doing, in the final scene in the final chapter of "Tunnel in the Sky?"
(a) Living alone in Cowpertown.
(b) Having dinner with his parents.
(c) Working as an Outlander.
(d) Getting married.

9. Early in Chapter 14, Caroline complains about whose lack of sanitation?
(a) Jimmy.
(b) Cliff.
(c) Bruce and his wife.
(d) Bob and Carmen.

10. Why, according to Caroline in Chapter 12, can't Bob and Carmen move to a new settlement site anytime soon?
(a) Carmen has recently given birth.
(b) They have established a Quaker church.
(c) Carmen is pregnant.
(d) Bob has a broken leg.

11. Which member of the settlement is an aspiring medical student?
(a) Bob.
(b) Caroline.
(c) Grant.
(d) Rod.

12. As explained in Chapter 10, why does Rob believe one man should not stand alone on guard duty?
(a) He could get jittery and fire recklessly.
(b) He could get bored and leave his post.
(c) He might try to skip his shift.
(d) He could get jittery or fall asleep.

13. What aspect of the students' newly formed government mirrors racism and discrimination in America?
(a) Grant appoints students of his ethnic background to the most important positions, shutting out the others.
(b) Grant appoints his college friends to the most important positions, shutting out the younger students.
(c) Grant appoints boys to the most important positions, shutting out the girls.
(d) Grant denies younger students and females the right to vote.

14. What does Jack plan to give to Bob and Carmen as a wedding present?
(a) A water skin.
(b) Two needles and some thread.
(c) A stew pan.
(d) A deck of cards.

15. In Chapter 11 when Rod and Roy attempt to return to their settlement, what injury significantly delays their progress?
(a) Rod breaks his leg.
(b) Rod cracks his ribs.
(c) Roy crasks his ribs.
(d) Roy breaks his leg.

Short Answer Questions

1. In Chapter 10 when Peewee, the youngest in the settlement, uses foul language, what does Rod threaten to do?

2. Before delivering a marriage certificate to Bob and Carmen, Caroline decorates it with what?

3. In Chapter 8, what is Grant's theory as to why Jock would not listen to Rod?

4. In Chapter 13, what catastrophic event is triggered by the strange new behavior of the dopey joes?

5. In Chapter 10, what position does Grant ask Rod to assume after Rod insists that changes must be made?

(see the answer keys)

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