The Trumpeter of Krakow Test | Final Test - Medium

Eric P. Kelly
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 163 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Trumpeter of Krakow Test | Final Test - Medium

Eric P. Kelly
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 163 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who does Pan Andrew say is intent on stealing the crystal?
(a) Nicholas Kreutz.
(b) Michael the Snake.
(c) Jan Kanty.
(d) Peter of the Button Face.

2. After the explosions, what is the new nickname of Peter of the Button Face?
(a) Bodgan of the Buttons.
(b) Bogdan of the Singed Locks.
(c) Bodgan of the Fire.
(d) Bodgan of the Hair.

3. What does the king learn about Ivan the Great?
(a) Ivan wants to gain control of Krakow.
(b) Ivan wants to gain control of Ukraine from Poland.
(c) Ivan wants to gain control of Poland and Ukraine.
(d) Ivan wants to gain control of Poland from Ukraine.

4. What does the king give to Pan Andrew?
(a) He gives him a heavy gold chain.
(b) He returns the crystal to him.
(c) He gives him a spot in the king's guard.
(d) He gives him a room at the palace.

5. What is the people group whom Ivan is asking for help demanding?
(a) The Polish people say they will help if they can have the crystal.
(b) The Russian people say they will help if they can have the crystal.
(c) The Tartars say they will help if they can have the crystal.
(d) The Ukrainians say they will help if they can have the crystal.

Short Answer Questions

1. What instrument is playing in the church in the Epilogue?

2. What piece of music is being played?

3. How much of the city is destroyed by the fire?

4. What is the other secret that Kreutz reveals to Tring?

5. What does Kreutz hand over to Pan Andrew once at the tower in Chapter 14?

Short Essay Questions

1. As Peter tries to escape in Chapter 10, what does Kreutz do?

2. When Elzbietka hears the Heynal played in its entirety as described in Chapter 12, where is she and what does she do?

3. What does Peter of the Button Face do to break into the tower in Chapter 11?

4. What is the ancient legend of Krakus?

5. In Chapter 13, what is Tring's reaction when he sees the Great Tarnov Crystal in the middle of Kreutz's loft?

6. When Tring puts Kreutz into a trance in Chapter 13, what important information does Kreutz give to Tring?

7. In Chapter 10, what happens on the rickety stairway that leads to the Charnetski family apartment?

8. What does Pan Andrew tell the king about the Great Tarnov Crystal in Chapter 15?

9. Describe the chief glory of the city of Krakow as it is explained in the Epilogue.

10. Describe how the Epilogue explains the Heynal is played.

(see the answer keys)

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