The Trumpeter of Krakow Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Eric P. Kelly
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 163 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Trumpeter of Krakow Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Eric P. Kelly
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 163 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why is Krakow is a safe haven?
(a) It has a lot of weapons.
(b) There is room for many people.
(c) It has experienced warriors.
(d) The king's palace provides extra walls of protection for the refugees.

2. What does Kreutz say some people believe about the Philosopher's Stone?
(a) He says some people believe that it can give answers to the meaning of life.
(b) He says some people believe that it can make a man intelligent.
(c) He says some people believe that it can transform all things to gold.
(d) He says some people believe that it has great healing powers.

3. After they leave Jan Kanty's house, what does Joseph's father tell him he can keep?
(a) Some of Jan Kanty's books.
(b) The crystal from inside the pumpkin.
(c) The wolfdog that Joseph saw the Tartar beating earlier in the day.
(d) A friend he met while in the marketplace.

4. After Jan Kanty meets the Charnetski family for the first time, what does Pan Andrew explain to Jan Kanty?
(a) He explains that his wife is expecting a baby and they need a place to stay.
(b) He explains that he is in some trouble even though he has done nothing wrong.
(c) He explains that his son has stolen something and they need to go into hiding.
(d) He explains that he is a friend of the king and wants to serve in his guard.

5. What is unusual about one of the wagons in the caravan?
(a) It is led by two horses and it is carrying a very large pumpkin.
(b) It is larger than any of the other wagons.
(c) It is being pulled by a man and is carrying several children.
(d) It is fancier than the rest of the wagons.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who tries to steal something from the Charnetski apartment?

2. In Chapter 2, whom does Pan Andrew say he has to come to see?

3. What is the shape of the tower of the Church of Our Lady Mary?

4. What is unusual about the staircase that leads to the Charnetskis' new dwelling?

5. What is the oath taken by the trumpeter?

Short Essay Questions

1. Describe the oath that the trumpeter takes.

2. Describe why the last note the trumpeter plays is broken.

3. Explain how the city of Krakow reacts to the villagers fleeing.

4. What was the meeting between Joseph and Stas like in the courtyard as described in Chapter 6?

5. What are some of the things that Joseph notices when he spies on Tring and Kreutz in Chapter 7?

6. What does Pan Andrew explain to Jan Kanty in Chapter 4 once the mob scene has dissipated?

7. Describe the caravan from Chapter 1.

8. In Chapter 9, is Peter of the Button Face successful in obtaining the treasure?

9. Provide some characteristics of the new lodgings for the Charnetski family.

10. Describe the Tartars.

(see the answer keys)

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