The Trumpeter of Krakow Test | Final Test - Easy

Eric P. Kelly
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 163 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Trumpeter of Krakow Test | Final Test - Easy

Eric P. Kelly
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 163 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. About what is Pan Andrew troubled after help is summoned?
(a) He is wondering where Michael "The Snake" is.
(b) He is wondering where the crystal is.
(c) He is troubled for the king's life.
(d) He is troubled for his own life.

2. How does Pan Andrew describe the individual who he thinks stole the treasure?
(a) Half Cossack, half Ukrainian.
(b) Half Mongol, half Polish.
(c) Half Mongol, half Cossack.
(d) Half Polish, half Ukrainian.

3. What happens to Joseph, his mother, and Elzbietka during the fire?
(a) They flee their home but get trapped in the crowd on the Street of Pigeons.
(b) They flee their home but get trapped in the church.
(c) They flee their home and go to the king's palace.
(d) They flee their home and go to the University.

4. What reason does Pan Andrew give for almost losing everything he has?
(a) The Tartars.
(b) The Great Tarnov Crystal.
(c) Michael the Snake.
(d) The Philosopher's Stone.

5. What is the best description of the music heard in the Church of Our Lady Mary?
(a) A flute playing the Heynal.
(b) The organ playing beautiful hymns.
(c) Notes float down from above like God's own music from heaven.
(d) The organ playing horrible music.

6. What is the best description of the explosions referenced in the Charnetskis' apartment?
(a) Fireworks.
(b) Balls of aqua shooting out into the air.
(c) Balls of red fire shooting out into the air.
(d) Gun fire.

7. What clue does Elzbietka receive that Joseph is in trouble?
(a) She hears him play the Heynal with the traditional stop on the broken note.
(b) She hears him play the Heynal without stopping on the broken note.
(c) She does not hear the trumpet being played at all.
(d) She hears Michael yelling at him to look for the crystal.

8. Who does Pan Andrew say is intent on stealing the crystal?
(a) Nicholas Kreutz.
(b) Peter of the Button Face.
(c) Jan Kanty.
(d) Michael the Snake.

9. What is the name of Peter of the Button Face's assistant when they attack the church?
(a) Michael, known in Ukraine as "The Snake."
(b) Andrew, Pan Andrew's cousin.
(c) James, known in Ukraine as "The Snake."
(d) Stas, the old woman's son.

10. In Chapter 11, to whom does the author say Pan Andrew's treasure is to go?
(a) To Jan Kanty.
(b) To Stefan Ostrovsky.
(c) To Nicholas Kreutz.
(d) To the king of Poland.

11. In Chapter 13, what does Kreutz put in the middle of the room?
(a) He places Peter's pot of gold in the middle of the room.
(b) He puts up a tripod with the Great Tarnov Crystal on it in the middle of the room
(c) He places a cauldron with chemicals in the middle of the room.
(d) He puts a pumpkin on a tripod in the middle of the room.

12. What is noticeable about the music being played?
(a) The entire piece of music is played.
(b) The music is not beautiful anymore.
(c) The tune of the Heynal has been changed.
(d) It stills ends at the broken note.

13. After he reveals the secrets, what does Kreutz tell Tring he is ready to do?
(a) Another experiment.
(b) Become a priest.
(c) Flee to Kiev and continue experiments there.
(d) Give the crystal back to its rightful owner.

14. Whom is Joseph amazed to see in the custody of king's palace guard after the fire?
(a) Stas.
(b) Peter of the Button Face.
(c) Michael the Snake.
(d) The king himself.

15. What do men and women of the twentieth century think of when they hear the music?
(a) They think of the Great Tarnov Crystal.
(b) They think of Joseph Charnetski.
(c) They think of the days whe the young life was given to country, God, and duty.
(d) They think of Pan Andrew Charnetski.

Short Answer Questions

1. When Pan Andrew arrives home after the explosions, what does he find?

2. While in the trance in Chapter 13, what does Kreutz do?

3. Who arrives at the tower with Nicholas Kreutz?

4. What piece of music is being played?

5. What reason does Pan Andrew give for being at the palace in Chapter 15?

(see the answer keys)

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