The Trumpeter of Krakow Quiz | Four Week Quiz A

Eric P. Kelly
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 163 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Trumpeter of Krakow Quiz | Four Week Quiz A

Eric P. Kelly
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 163 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Chapters 4 - 6.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How old is the trumpeter when Poland is attacked?
(a) Sixty.
(b) Ten or eleven.
(c) Nineteen or twenty.
(d) Thirty-nine or forty.

2. When Jan Kanty hears Joseph tell his parents that he found a place for them to stay, on what does Jan Kanty insist?
(a) Kanty insists that they go with him to his dwelling first.
(b) Kanty insists that they to to the church first.
(c) Kanty insists that they go straight to the place Joseph has found.
(d) Kanty insists that they go to the king's palace again.

3. After his father's job is secured, what does Joseph learn he will be doing?
(a) He will be selling goods in the marketplace.
(b) He will be helping his father as the king's scribe.
(c) He will be going to school.
(d) He will be helping Jan Kanty.

4. As he ponders the attack on Krakow, of what is the trumpeter proud?
(a) He is proud to be the best trumpet player in the land.
(b) He is proud to be the hero of Poland.
(c) He is proud to be fighting with Polish men for Christendom against brutal and savage invaders.
(d) He is proud to be the trumpeter who warned the Polish people of the Tartars' attack.

5. What is the most accurate description of the Tartars' appearance?
(a) Short, pale men with shaved heads.
(b) Tall, pale men with beards and long, braided hair.
(c) Short, dark men with beards and long, braided hair.
(d) Tall, dark men with shaved heads.

Short Answer Questions

1. Despite the fact that he knows he might die as he faces the Tartars in 1241, what does the trumpeter decide to do?

2. In taking the job, what does Pan Andrew promise to do?

3. In Chapter 5, when Joseph returns from his walk with the dog, what does he see?

4. When the Polish people hear the word "Tartar," they:

5. What is the scene Joseph sees when he first goes to explore the marketplace?

(see the answer key)

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