Trumpet: Test | Final Test - Easy

Jackie Kay
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 146 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Trumpet: Test | Final Test - Easy

Jackie Kay
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 146 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How does Sophie start referring to their project that begins to grate on Colman on page 210?
(a) Our book.
(b) My book.
(c) The deal.
(d) Your father's legacy.

2. What kind of lessons does Joss end up giving Colman's first girlfriend that he brings home?
(a) Piano.
(b) Cooking.
(c) Trumpet.
(d) Painting.

3. What does Joss Moody give Maggie one day when she comes to work very upset?
(a) Chocolate.
(b) Marijuana.
(c) A pot of tea.
(d) An album of his.

4. What does Joss remember his father liking to do on page 183?
(a) Shopping for clothes.
(b) Going to the barber to get his hair cut.
(c) Swimming in the sea.
(d) Dancing.

5. How does Joss act around the first girlfriend Colman brings home, at least at first?
(a) Extremely formal and cordial.
(b) Joss ignores the girlfriend.
(c) Edgy and nervous.
(d) Joss leaves when the girlfriend arrives.

6. How was Sophie Stones' previous book received?
(a) She lost money on it as it sold poorly.
(b) It had mediocre sales.
(c) It was pulled from the shelves because of inaccuracies.
(d) It was a best seller.

7. Where does Colman Moody live?
(a) Glasgow.
(b) Tottenham.
(c) Torr.
(d) Dublin.

8. What does Joss think would have become of him much earlier in life if not for his trumpet?
(a) He would have lived his life only as a woman.
(b) He would have become a prostitute.
(c) He would have been destitute.
(d) He would have been dead and gone.

9. What was one thing Millie was fussy about that Maggie remembers?
(a) Her ornaments from around the world.
(b) Her clothes.
(c) Her food.
(d) Her hair.

10. How has Colman acted towards his friends since Joss died as described on page 137?
(a) He has not seen any of them.
(b) He has yelled at all of them and told them he never wants to see them again.
(c) He has gotten drunk with all of them.
(d) He has gone on holidays with his best friends.

11. What does Millie think about Joss's spirit in the wake of his death?
(a) She thinks he may have gone to purgatory.
(b) She thinks his spirit is fully at peace.
(c) She thinks his spirit is hanging around in limbo because of all the trouble that started after his death.
(d) She thinks he needs her to ensure he will be the most beloved trumpet player of all time before he can be at peace.

12. What is the first thing Millie asks Maggie when Maggie comes to work for the Moodys?
(a) If she can keep a secret.
(b) If she knows who Millie's husband is.
(c) If she has anything against gay people.
(d) If she needs to be paid more.

13. What instrument did Joss try to encourage Colman to play?
(a) Guitar.
(b) Trumpet.
(c) Drums.
(d) Piano.

14. What does Sophie Stones tell Colman about his father's family that shocks Colman?
(a) Joss Moody's mother is still alive.
(b) Joss Moody has at least one brother living.
(c) Joss Moody's father is still alive.
(d) Joss Moody has at least one sister living.

15. How does Sophie Stones seem to feel about her sister?
(a) She despises her sister.
(b) She adores her sister.
(c) She is very competitive and jealous of her sister.
(d) She and her sister are business partners but there is no real affection between them.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Colman remember his mother saying he went around with on page 165?

2. Who does Colman call the morning he leaves for Glasgow from London?

3. What does Maggie always remember the Moody house smelling like?

4. What sound startles Maggie on her third visit to the Moody house?

5. What does Sophie most want Colman to get from Edith Moore when he visits her?

(see the answer keys)

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