Tropic of Orange: A Novel Test | Final Test - Medium

Karen Tei Yamashita
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 137 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Tropic of Orange: A Novel Test | Final Test - Medium

Karen Tei Yamashita
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 137 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. After Rafaela mails the cooler and calls Gabriel, what does Gabriel worry most about?
(a) The use of his oranges in Mexico.
(b) Rafaela's political involvement.
(c) Rafaela's connection to drug smuggling.
(d) The safety of his property in Mexico.

2. In Chapter 41, what does Buzzworm do when he hears gunfire?
(a) Looks for his own gun.
(b) Finds someone to interview.
(c) Hides inside the news van.
(d) Tries to protect Emi.

3. In Chapter 23, why does Rodriguez hire Arcangel?
(a) To transport goods.
(b) To organize papers.
(c) To dig a ditch.
(d) To build a wall.

4. Where does Emi say she is going as she dies?
(a) The long sleep.
(b) The big sleep.
(c) The last road.
(d) The best road.

5. Where does Emi sunbathe in Chapter 41?
(a) On a beach.
(b) On top of the news van.
(c) To the side of the freeway.
(d) On an overpass.

Short Answer Questions

1. What happens when news breaks about cocaine in oranges in Chapter 22?

2. Why does Gabriel call Emi from Mexico in Chapter 29?

3. What does Rodriguez remind Arcangel of?

4. While in Mazatlan in Chapter 32, why does Gabriel need to find a telephone line?

5. Why doesn't Gabriel want Emi to open the package from Rafaela?

Short Essay Questions

1. While crossing the border into the United States, what do Xiayue's questions remind Bobby of?

2. Why doesn't Rafaela tell Gabriel about the people harvesting human organs in Chapter 24?

3. How do Gabriel and Emi's attitudes toward the news differ in Chapters 26 and 27?

4. What is "What's the Buzz?"

5. In Chapter 45, what happens when Bobby and Rafaela reunite?

6. Why does Rafaela visit Gabriel's house, after leaving Dona Maria's, in Chapter 24?

7. What happens when Gabriel faxes Bobby the wrestler poster in Chapter 40?

8. What happens when Gabriel goes to Mazatlan in Chapter 32?

9. Why is Buzzworm concerned about the herion injected in oranges when he hears about it in Chapter 22?

10. Why is Rafaela nervous during her bus ride with Sol and Arcangel?

(see the answer keys)

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