Tropic of Orange: A Novel Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Karen Tei Yamashita
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 137 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Tropic of Orange: A Novel Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Karen Tei Yamashita
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 137 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How does Rafaela Cortez start each morning?
(a) By sweeping the house.
(b) By waking up her children.
(c) By drinking a cup of coffee.
(d) By doing loads of laundry.

2. In Chapter 1, what does Rafaela describe about Gabriel's house?
(a) The tile floors.
(b) The trees.
(c) The porch.
(d) The backyard.

3. What does Emi do when the woman near her tries to start an argument about cultural diversity in Chapter 20?
(a) Emi insults the woman personally.
(b) Emi walks away.
(c) Emi points out the fallacies in the woman's argument.
(d) Emi throws a drink on her.

4. Why does Gabriel think Manzanar was not born in a World War II camp?
(a) Because Manzanar knows nothing about Europe.
(b) Gabriel does believe Manzanar was born in the camp.
(c) Because Manzanar looks too young.
(d) Because Manzanar looks too old.

5. In Chapter 2, what does a man try to steal from Bobby?
(a) His watch.
(b) His wallet.
(c) His truck.
(d) His gun.

6. What does Buzzworm say he is a veteran of?
(a) The streets.
(b) Romance.
(c) War.
(d) The newspaper.

7. How does Buzzworm say he quit doing drugs?
(a) By losing all his money.
(b) By listening to the radio.
(c) By reading newspapers.
(d) By finding a supportive church.

8. What does Emi see while talking to Gabriel on the phone in Chapter 9?
(a) A car accident.
(b) A homeless man.
(c) A news van.
(d) A house fire.

9. How does Buzzworm know the man who dies of a drug overdose in Chapter 16?
(a) Buzzworm tried to help him once.
(b) Buzzworm didn't know him.
(c) Buzzworm loaned him money.
(d) Buzzworm was his brother.

10. How many men are in the sports car during the accident in Chapter 8?
(a) Two.
(b) Four.
(c) Three.
(d) One.

11. In Chapter 12, why is Bobby told to go to Mexico?
(a) To reconcile with Rafaela.
(b) To help a cousin.
(c) To reclaim his property.
(d) To meet his long lost brother.

12. When does Gabriel call Buzzworm in Chapter 6?
(a) Before he goes to bed.
(b) Before submitting a story for review.
(c) After leaving work.
(d) After talking with Emi on the phone.

13. Why does Gabriel become angry with Emi in Chapter 3?
(a) Because she has another boyfriend.
(b) Because she teases him.
(c) Because she leaves early.
(d) Because she disagrees with his politics.

14. In Chapter 21, why does the waiter offer to buy Arcangel a beer?
(a) He doesn't offer to buy Arcangel a beer.
(b) He messes up Arcangel's order.
(c) He thinks it is Arcangel's birthday.
(d) He thinks he recognizes Arcangel.

15. Where does Arcangel say he is from?
(a) Europe.
(b) Mexico.
(c) South America.
(d) Asia.

Short Answer Questions

1. In Chapter 7, what does Arcangel predict?

2. Why is the television on as Emi and Gabriel eat in Chapter 20?

3. Why can't Rodriguez apologize to Rafaela in Chapter 10 as he works on the property?

4. In Chapter 4, who does Buzzworm find food for?

5. How does Bobby try to quit smoking?

(see the answer keys)

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