Trifles Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 126 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Trifles Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 126 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What word in the narrative means to find fault with?
(a) Reproach
(b) Ordinate
(c) Abnegate
(d) Interrogate

2. As the women are alone downstairs, what items of clothing does Mrs. Peters carry in the room?
(a) A hat and skirt
(b) A dress and skirt
(c) A blouse and coat
(d) A jacket and shawl

3. What is the name of the Sheriff’s Deputy?
(a) Paul
(b) Frank
(c) Harry
(d) Mitch

4. Where in the house does all of the action of the play take place?
(a) The kitchen
(b) The bedroom
(c) The parlor
(d) The front porch

5. Mrs. Peters tells Mrs. Hale, “Mr. Henderson said coming out that what was needed for the case was” what?
(a) Fingerprints
(b) An alibi
(c) A weapon
(d) A motive

6. What title refers to an officer, as of a county or municipality, whose chief function is to investigate any death not clearly resulting from natural causes?
(a) Taxidermist
(b) County Judge
(c) Minister
(d) Coroner

7. In the narrative, Mrs. Hale says, “Not having children makes less work—but it makes” what?
(a) For peace and serenity
(b) A quiet house
(c) For solitude
(d) A lonely place

8. Who does Henry Peters tell that they will be right out as he goes into the other room with George Henderson?
(a) Dr. Lloyd
(b) Lewis Hale
(c) Harry
(d) Frank

9. What do the women note about the birdcage in the Wrights’ home while the men are outside?
(a) There is cat hair in it
(b) The door is broken
(c) It is made of wood
(d) It is made of copper

10. What word from the stage directions means dashing courage or heroic bravery?
(a) Altruism
(b) Gallantry
(c) Abstinence
(d) Insurgence

11. What is Mrs. Hale’s response when the County Attorney remarks, “Not much of a housekeeper, would you say, ladies?”
(a) There’s a great deal of work to be done on a farm
(b) She was busy with the children, mostly
(c) She was an excellent housekeeper, sir
(d) Her husband wouldn’t let her clean

12. George Henderson remarks to the Sheriff that there is “[n]o sign at all of anyone having” what?
(a) Called the home first
(b) Come from the outside
(c) Murdered John Wright
(d) Injured the doors

13. What does George Henderson ask the women as the men return from examining outside?
(a) Hello ladies, how has the investigation been going for you?
(b) Well, ladies, have you gotten Mrs. Wright’s things ready?
(c) Well, ladies, have you made the fire warmer yet?
(d) Well ladies, have you decided whether she was going to quilt it or knot it?

14. Who says, “I wish if they’re going to find any evidence they’d be about it. I don’t like this place”?
(a) George Henderson
(b) Mrs. Hale
(c) Mrs. Peters
(d) Mrs. Wright

15. What type of pet does Mrs. Peters say Mrs. Wright was afraid of?
(a) Birds
(b) Dogs
(c) Cats
(d) Fish

Short Answer Questions

1. According to Mrs. Peters, who says it looks “bad for” Mrs. Wright?

2. What item does the County Attorney laugh at when examining the things to take to Mrs. Wright?

3. What word from the stage directions refers to something that lacks serious content?

4. How do the women determine Mrs. Wright’s pet had been killed?

5. What kind of fruit does Mrs. Hale find in an unbroken jar in the cupboard?

(see the answer keys)

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