Treasure Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 134 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Treasure Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 134 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Where was the Lady Flamborough headed?
(a) To the Antarctic
(b) To Bermuda
(c) To Africa
(d) To the Caribbean

2. Who did the crew of the Lady Flamborough think was about to come aboard and inspect the ship?
(a) Terrorists
(b) Immigration officials
(c) Security personnel
(d) Customs

3. Which artist does Pitt create a comparison for when he suggests how the Lady disappeared for the second time?
(a) Christo
(b) Da Vinci
(c) Michaelangelo
(d) Turner

4. What slip-up does Ammar do that he doesn't know he did?
(a) He mispronounces one of the crew member's names
(b) He refers to Allah
(c) He refers to the Americans as infidels
(d) He calls one of the crew by his first name

5. What did Gronquist call his thieving of the expensive cigars from Admiral Sandecker?
(a) Operation Blue Smoke
(b) Operation Smoke Screen
(c) Operation Puff
(d) Operation Stogie

Short Answer Questions

1. Why does Ammar need Finney?

2. What is bothering President Hasan physically?

3. What does Rudy say in regards to Dirk?

4. What was Hala's first concern for?

5. What does Ammar plan to do about the Lady Flamborough?

Short Essay Questions

1. When is the first time Pitt has been wrong in this book?

2. In what ways did Ismail's inexperience show through?

3. What was interesting about the cargo that was loaded onto the Lady Flamborough to the person that loaded it?

4. What was the easiest excuse to get the security guards into the room to be killed? How were they killed?

5. Why can't the President of the United States expose Topiltzin and Yazid?

6. How did the Lady Flamborough escape notice?

7. Where is the best location for the scrolls to be if they are to maintain their cohesion and readability? Where is the worst?

8. How does Ammar feel about the people at the table?

9. How did Yeager manage to find that Venator had been at Barnaget Bay in New Jersey?

10. What is the difference between papyrus and parchment?

(see the answer keys)

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