Travesties Test | Final Test - Easy

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Travesties Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 122 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What Shakespearean lady has Carr played at Eton?
(a) Goneril.
(b) Lady Macbeth.
(c) Cleopatra.
(d) Rosalind.

2. What accessory does Lenin intend to wear as he steals out of Switzerland?
(a) A cape.
(b) Face bandages.
(c) A wig.
(d) Sunglasses.

3. What is the name of the man in whose house Lenin stay in Zurich?
(a) Kammerer.
(b) Schweisz.
(c) Crousse.
(d) Bedetung.

4. What does Lenin dislike about the staging of a Dickens tale?
(a) Its sentimentality.
(b) Its relentless Britishness.
(c) Its classism.
(d) Its Christian undertones.

5. To whom does Tzara credit the creation of Dada?
(a) Duchamp.
(b) Arp.
(c) Himself.
(d) Picabia.

6. What leader does Lenin state that he particularly distrusts in this section?
(a) Grimm.
(b) Wilson.
(c) Lloyd George.
(d) Kerensky.

7. In this section, Cecily say that when the history of the revolution is written, what will not loom large in it?
(a) The Kerensky government.
(b) Switzerland.
(c) Her name.
(d) Dada.

8. Why does Cecily dislike Oscar WIlde?
(a) He is Irish.
(b) He is a noted colonialist.
(c) He is a homosexual.
(d) He is a bourgeois individualist.

9. What did Lenin do during a major famine in Russia?
(a) Organized soup kitchens.
(b) Wrote his first book.
(c) Emigrated.
(d) Nothing.

10. Thinking that he is Tristan Tzara, how does Cecily characterize Henry Carr when they meet in Act 2?
(a) Dark and mysterious.
(b) Decadent and nihilistic.
(c) Brilliant and radical.
(d) Foolish and profligate.

11. What composer's music reduces Lenin to tears int his section?
(a) Wagner.
(b) Brahms.
(c) Mozart.
(d) Beethoven.

12. From what type of dictionary does Tzara claim the word Dada was taken?
(a) Webster.
(b) Medical.
(c) Oxford.
(d) Larousse.

13. How does Carr describe his trial against Joyce at the end of Act 1?
(a) A kangaroo court.
(b) A travesty.
(c) A fait accompli.
(d) An epic battle.

14. Whose poetry does Tzara attempt the dismember for Gwendolen in this section?
(a) Milton's.
(b) Shakespeare's.
(c) Petrarch's.
(d) Donne's.

15. What does Joyce pull out of Tzara's hat before leaving the stage?
(a) Another hat.
(b) A whole poem.
(c) A rabbit.
(d) His manuscript.

Short Answer Questions

1. How much money does Joyce request of Carr after the play for tickets?

2. According to Joyce, what is the only country not to have its art well-represented in Zurich?

3. In this section, Lenin proclaims that no freedom can be achieved in a society based on what?

4. Whose work does Carr excitedly want produced by James Joyce's theatrical troupe?

5. According to Bennett in this section, what are the new odds against Lenin's success?

(see the answer keys)

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