Travesties Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

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Travesties Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 122 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is the topic of Lenin's new book?
(a) The free market.
(b) The war.
(c) Imperialism.
(d) The Armenian genocide.

2. According to Carr, what is the name of the street in Zurich on which both Lenin's lodging and Meierei bar were located?
(a) Hausquai.
(b) Spiegelgasse.
(c) Orelikenplatz.
(d) Lindenstrasse.

3. According to Tzara, what is out of fashion since the war?
(a) Heaven.
(b) Rhyme.
(c) Causality.
(d) Lovemaking.

4. To what object does Carr liken the First World War as he describes Switzerland at the end of his monologue?
(a) A scale.
(b) A bull.
(c) A hurricane.
(d) A wheel.

5. According to Gwen in this section, what does Tzara do in addiction to writing poetry?
(a) He sculpts.
(b) He teaches art history.
(c) He paints.
(d) He dances.

6. According to Marx's theories, what must the Marxist embrace temporarily in order to eventually have a proletarian state?
(a) The Germans.
(b) A bourgeois revolution.
(c) Anarchic violence.
(d) A dictatorship.

7. What does the Dada artist entitle the work that consists of his name in the snow?
(a) Heaven.
(b) The Alps.
(c) Journey's End.
(d) Fountain.

8. What name has Carr been given for Gwen's chaperon?
(a) Nadya.
(b) Cecily.
(c) Ellen.
(d) Joyce.

9. How many bottles of champagne have gone missing under Bennett's watch?
(a) None.
(b) 17.
(c) 8.
(d) 5.

10. Where is Joyce buried at the time thhat the Old Carr speaks in this section?
(a) Paris.
(b) Dublin.
(c) Zurich.
(d) London.

11. Which of the following characters does not enter at the beginning of this section?
(a) Tzara.
(b) Gwendolen.
(c) Joyce.
(d) Cecily.

12. What object does Tzara say man would be without art?
(a) A thresher.
(b) A turnstile.
(c) A coffee-grinder.
(d) A grain silo.

13. In this section Carr comments that is entirely reasonable for the exploited classes of Russia to turn against whom?
(a) Their spouses.
(b) The government.
(c) Their servants.
(d) Themselves.

14. In this section, Carr and Tzara cannot decide between which two countries as to which they are defending?
(a) France and Germany.
(b) Belguim and Serbia.
(c) Serbia and France.
(d) Germany and Belgium.

15. What sound effect does Stoppard recommend to accompany time slips in the play?
(a) A shattering of glass.
(b) A cuckoo clock chime.
(c) A tuba blast.
(d) A thunder clap.

Short Answer Questions

1. For what purpose does Joyce say he needs money from Carr?

2. In what two locations does the play take place?

3. About what Swiss food does Carr state Rochefoucauld complained?

4. What precious stone is in Carr's preferred studs?

5. What did Tzara leave in Carr's drawing room on his last visit?

(see the answer keys)

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