Travels with Charley: In Search of America Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 119 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Travels with Charley: In Search of America Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 119 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Steinbeck see when he takes Charley for a walk?
(a) Two lovers in a car
(b) A fire at a gas station
(c) A Little League baseball game
(d) The Aurora Borealis

2. What is the tone of this book?
(a) Lofty
(b) Forbidding
(c) Approachable
(d) Juvenile

3. What material is everything in the attached diner made of, including the waitress' apron?
(a) wood
(b) aluminum
(c) plastic
(d) polyester

4. Where has Steinbeck's friend made a reservation for him?
(a) Deer Isle
(b) Mt. Killington
(c) Kennebunkport
(d) Niagara Falls

5. What is the subject about which Steinbeck is noted for writing?
(a) Europeans
(b) Americans
(c) Hispanics
(d) Asians

6. What does Steinbeck think is the trouble with New England voices?
(a) They are very clipped.
(b) They mumble their words.
(c) They are too nasal.
(d) They talk too fast.

7. With what was the vehicle outfitted?
(a) A GPS system
(b) A stereo system
(c) A mattress on the floor
(d) A CB radio

8. What does Steinbeck think about as he packs the camper?
(a) The strong desire in everyone to do what he is about to do
(b) What kind of weather he will encounter
(c) Whether his wife will be mad at him
(d) Whether he will be back in time for Christmas

9. What have people always told Steinbeck about his wanderlust?
(a) Everybody has it to some degree.
(b) He is crazy to even think about it.
(c) He needs to indulge it.
(d) He will grow out of it.

10. How do New Englanders talk?
(a) In long, drawn out sentences
(b) In single words or short phrases
(c) In rambling speech patterns
(d) They answer questions with questions

11. Where does Steinbeck re-anchor his boat?
(a) Closer to the coastline
(b) At a new marina
(c) A hundred yards into the bay
(d) At the next pier

12. What happens to delay Steinbeck's plans?
(a) The camper's tires go flat.
(b) Hurricane Donna hits.
(c) A blizzard hits New York.
(d) His wife needs emergency surgery.

13. What does Steinbeck name his camper?
(a) Hi-ways
(b) Trigger
(c) Rocinante
(d) Steinmaster

14. What does Steinbeck expect to experience on the road?
(a) Spirituality
(b) Desolation
(c) Elation
(d) Boredom

15. What kind of dog does Charley encounter at the rest area?
(a) Schnauzer
(b) Pomeranian
(c) Jack Russell Terrier
(d) Dachshund

Short Answer Questions

1. What damages do Fayre Eleyne and Rocinante sustain?

2. What does Steinbeck pack that will never be used?

3. Who wants to accompany Steinbeck on the trip?

4. What does Steinbeck call this state of journeying?

5. What have the doctors advised Steinbeck to do?

(see the answer keys)

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