Traveling Mercies: Some Thoughts on Faith Test | Final Test - Easy

Anne Lamott
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 128 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Traveling Mercies: Some Thoughts on Faith Test | Final Test - Easy

Anne Lamott
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 128 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
Buy the Traveling Mercies: Some Thoughts on Faith Lesson Plans
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Anne feels like _____________________ over how old her mother is.
(a) hitting something
(b) sobbing with grief
(c) swearing out loud
(d) slamming all her doors

2. What is Anne's substance used during her eating disorder?
(a) Amphetamines
(b) Laxatives
(c) Sparkling water
(d) Chocolate

3. Why is Anne angry when she sees a man abuse a dog on the beach?
(a) She does not want Sam to be exposed to things like this.
(b) She had sent the dog over to the man.
(c) She did not do enough to stop it.
(d) No one should treat an animal like that.

4. To what does Anne liken the men she meets?
(a) A shiny new raincoat
(b) An old dog suit
(c) An old pair of shoes
(d) A comfortable old robe

5. Where does Anne wish her family had had their pictures taken?
(a) At Sam's baptism
(b) At Disneyland
(c) At a wedding
(d) A portrait studio or on vacation

6. What does Anne's friend, Marlene, create for Anne?
(a) A collage
(b) A dreadlocks hairstyle
(c) A hand-knitted sweater
(d) A plantscape

7. What is the name of the dog that helps Akela overcome her fears?
(a) Max
(b) Scotcharoo
(c) Scooby Doo
(d) Rudi Kazooti

8. What do Anne and Sam do on San Quentin Beach one day?
(a) Build an altar made of sand
(b) Throw a Frisbee
(c) Use a metal detector
(d) Build a sandcastle

9. What does Anne tell Sam it is important to do in all of life's situations?
(a) Walk on the beach
(b) Sing
(c) Eat
(d) Read

10. Where do Anne and Sam go snorkeling?
(a) The Bahamas
(b) The Sea of Cortez
(c) Hawaiian Islands
(d) The Great Barrier Reef

11. To whom does Anne liken God in the story about Elijah?
(a) Muhammed
(b) The Dalai Lama
(c) Buddha
(d) A Jewish mother

12. What does Sam bring Anne as a token of apology?
(a) A piece of sea glass
(b) An ice cream cone
(c) A clothespin
(d) A starfish

13. Where does the doctor send Anne and Sam after he tells Anne that his first diagnosis was wrong?
(a) A neurologist
(b) An oncologist
(c) An allergist
(d) An endocrinologist

14. Where do Anne and Sam like to spend time?
(a) The park
(b) The mall
(c) Driving over the Golden Gate Bridge
(d) San Quentin Beach

15. What does Anne not want to be?
(a) Old and wrinkled
(b) Fat
(c) Senile
(d) Her mommy's mommy

Short Answer Questions

1. Sam has known his friend, Ella, for so long that she considers Ella to be ___________________.

2. What is a typical problem for Anne and Sam?

3. What does Anne buy to make herself feel better?

4. Why does Anne invite Olivia and her family over one night?

5. What does the doctor say is wrong with Sam after they test his blood?

(see the answer keys)

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