Traveling Mercies: Some Thoughts on Faith Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Anne Lamott
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 128 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Traveling Mercies: Some Thoughts on Faith Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Anne Lamott
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 128 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How is Anne's lecture idea received?
(a) It is a flop
(b) CNN wants to copy the format
(c) It is a huge hit
(d) Public television wants to make a documentary of it

2. How does Anne describe her God during this period?
(a) Vengeful
(b) Patchwork
(c) Benevolent
(d) Forgiving

3. How old is Sam when Anne first takes him to church?
(a) Five months old
(b) Five years old
(c) Five days old
(d) Fifteen months old

4. Why is Anne still grief-stricken?
(a) She cannot get over the loss of her father.
(b) She misses her mother terribly.
(c) She mourns her friend Pammy's death.
(d) She had to put her dog to sleep.

5. Why is Sam acting so morose?
(a) He grieves for Pammy.
(b) He is getting a cold.
(c) He is homesick.
(d) He misses his father.

6. What sight irritates Anne so that she has to focus on something else?
(a) Hippies with long hair hanging down their backs
(b) A driver who cuts her off on the freeway
(c) A large man with a hairy chest takes off his shirt
(d) A mother slapping her child

7. What was the message on Anne's father's answering machine?
(a) The freedom train is coming.
(b) An apple a day keeps the doctor away.
(c) It is what it is.
(d) All's well that ends well.

8. What happens on the second night of the lecture series?
(a) Anne and Grace follow the original plan.
(b) Anne gets ill and cannot participate.
(c) The presentation is a flop.
(d) Grace gets ill and cannot participate.

9. What phrase is used by people in Anne's church to anyone embarking on a trip?
(a) Send us a card.
(b) Traveling mercies.
(c) Take care.
(d) Safe journey.

10. Where does Anne leave Sammy to play each day at the resort?
(a) Daycare
(b) The game room
(c) The pool
(d) The beach

11. What is unusual about a man Anne sees on a trapeze set at the resort?
(a) He has only one leg.
(b) He has only one arm.
(c) He is a paraplegic.
(d) He is blind.

12. What is common among the children of the sixties?
(a) Access to drugs and alcohol
(b) Long hair
(c) Bell-bottoms
(d) Music of British rock bands

13. What does Anne learn from this experience?
(a) She has no feel for the dramatic.
(b) She is not a very good planner.
(c) She has the grace to overcome and endure.
(d) She has great stage blocking skills.

14. What do Mary's dimes symbolize for Anne?
(a) Money for Sam's bank
(b) The love and care from her church family
(c) Parking meter money
(d) More Starbucks this week

15. Anne gets good grades in high school in spite of _________________________.
(a) the conditions at home
(b) her Attention Deficit Disorder
(c) her dyslexia
(d) being drunk, stoned or hung over

Short Answer Questions

1. What subject did Anne's father teach to prisoners?

2. What is Rick's attitude about life?

3. What do Anne and Sam do when the car is in distress?

4. What quality does this woman have that Anne approves of?

5. What does Anne realize is her problem with the woman at Sam's school?

(see the answer keys)

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