Towers Falling Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Jewell Parker Rhodes
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 171 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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Towers Falling Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Jewell Parker Rhodes
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 171 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who is the first student to befriend Deja at her new school?
(a) Ben.
(b) Sabeen.
(c) Marcia.
(d) Jacqueline.

2. From what country does Deja say her mother hails, prompting Sabeen's excitement about adding to the cultural map in the school hallway?
(a) Sudan.
(b) Ethiopia.
(c) Barbados.
(d) Jamaica.

3. From what source does Deja get her lunch on the first day at her new school?
(a) Ben and Sabeen share their lunch with her.
(b) She gets free lunch from the cafeteria.
(c) She uses the coins her mother had given her to buy some chips from the vending machine.
(d) She brings a sack lunch from the shelter.

4. When describing what homeless shelter gangs are all about, what is NOT an element listed by Deja?
(a) Keeping an eye out for what can be taken.
(b) Doing drugs.
(c) Roaming.
(d) Stealing.

5. What adjective does Ben use when he sees that Deja has shown up to his house with Ray and Leda in tow?
(a) Nice.
(b) Weird.
(c) Bad.
(d) Cool.

6. What is Deja's solution to needing to babysit and work on the group project at the same time?
(a) She takes Leda and Ray with her to Ben's house.
(b) She calls Ben and Sabeen on the phone.
(c) She posts her part of the project on Facebook.
(d) She takes only Ray with her to Ben's house.

7. What is the only word Deja says Ma ever uses in relation to Pop?
(a) Scared.
(b) Proud.
(c) Sick.
(d) Anxious.

8. What project does Deja share with the class when her other project has been destroyed?
(a) The string of paper dolls Deja had created.
(b) The string of paper dolls Ray had created.
(c) The string of paper dolls Ma had created.
(d) The string of paper dolls Leda had created.

9. What comment does Deja make to her father that causes Deja's mother to demand that Deja apologize?
(a) She says that her father is a drain on the family.
(b) She says that her father is always sick.
(c) She says that she should not have to watch her younger siblings.
(d) She says that her father is ruining her life.

10. Deja remarks that her father is very scary when he gets mad. What is NOT an impetus Deja mentions as being capable of sparking her father's anger?
(a) Paint on a shirt.
(b) Crowds.
(c) Wind.
(d) Cold coffee.

11. What sort of home does Ben's school project depict?
(a) Ben's drawing depicts a ranch house with horses and other animals.
(b) Ben's drawing depicts a one-room apartment.
(c) Ben's drawing depicts a mansion and a sprawling three-acre estate.
(d) Ben's drawing depicts a three-story townhouse.

12. For what reason does Pop often groan in his sleep?
(a) He has nightmares.
(b) He has knee pain.
(c) He has neck pain.
(d) He has back pain.

13. Who suggests to the teacher that she introduce the new students?
(a) Ben.
(b) Deja.
(c) Sabeen.
(d) Jacqueline.

14. At whom is Ben's mother Dora yelling on the phone when Deja arrives at Ben's house?
(a) At Ben's father.
(b) At Sabeen's father.
(c) At Ben's older brother.
(d) At Miss Garcia.

15. When Miss Garcia asks Deja what she wants for her future, what is Deja's reply?
(a) She says that she wants to buy a house.
(b) She says she does not want herself or her family to feel bad.
(c) She says that she wants to become a doctor.
(d) She says that she wants to have a career she can be proud of.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is Deja's reaction when she thinks Charles is making fun of Ben in class?

2. Deja remarks to the reader that her friend Keisha had stopped speaking to her after what event happened?

3. What is NOT an item that Deja names within her description of the things she always has to tell Leda and Ray the family cannot afford?

4. What element of New York City is brought up during a class discussion, causing Deja to think mistakenly that the class is making fun of Ben?

5. How does Deja feel about math word problems?

(see the answer keys)

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