The Tower Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 127 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Tower Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 127 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. When Sigismund is gone, the Doctor makes what promise?
(a) He will not return to this kingdom as long as the King is alive.
(b) He will never get involved with Sigismund again.
(c) Sigismund will never rule.
(d) Sigismund will be taken care of and hints that his struggle for freedom is not finished.

2. What does the Gypsy Girl magically cause to emerge from the earth?
(a) Plants.
(b) Human bones.
(c) Vampires.
(d) The Devil.

3. Why does the King withdraw with Julian?
(a) To observe the conversation between Adam and Sigismund.
(b) Sigismund needs time alone to adjust to his surroundings.
(c) He does not want to scare Sigismund.
(d) He does not want to see his son.

4. Why does Sigismund dismiss the others?
(a) So he can talk with the Gypsy Girl alone.
(b) He wants to be alone.
(c) So he can plan his next military coup.
(d) He needs to pray.

5. What do Olivier and the rebels do to each village they pass through?
(a) They help each one.
(b) They cheer them on.
(c) They destroy each one.
(d) They form an army.

6. What does Sigismund say about Marcus Aurelius?
(a) He is a great man that Sigismund wishes were there to help him.
(b) He is very different from Sigismund.
(c) He reminds him of his father.
(d) He had plans for his world in much the same way as Sigismund has plans for his.

7. What does Adam say when he appears?
(a) He will help take care of Sigismund.
(b) The tower has been destroyed.
(c) Departure for the tower is going to be delayed.
(d) It is time to leave for the tower.

8. What is Sigismund's new prison cell?
(a) His mother's bedchamber.
(b) A subterranean chamber beneath the tower.
(c) An old barn.
(d) A room high up in the tower.

9. What is Anton's warning?
(a) Sigismund is not ready to meet with the King.
(b) Sigismund is stronger than the King.
(c) The meeting between Sigismund and the King will not go well.
(d) Sigismund will kill the King.

10. What does Olivier order Julian to try to do?
(a) Run away.
(b) Defend himself.
(c) Hide.
(d) Kill Sigismund.

11. What does the Doctor have prepared if Sigismund should become unstable?
(a) A padded cell.
(b) A sponge that has been soaked in a powerful narcotic.
(c) A strait jacket.
(d) A syringe filled with a sedative.

12. Julian unwraps the bundle of royal robes brought in by Anton and insists Sigismund do what with them?
(a) Burn them.
(b) Wave them out the window.
(c) Put them on.
(d) Tear them to shreds.

13. What does the King give Julian as a symbol of his authority?
(a) A medal.
(b) A pin.
(c) A crown.
(d) A ring.

14. Why does Olivier demand that Sigismund accuse Julian?
(a) So Julian will try to escape.
(b) So Sigismund will show the peasants he has power.
(c) So he can be condemned and tortured.
(d) So someone can be to blame.

15. Of what does Sigismund say Olivier smells?
(a) Cologne.
(b) Death and revenge.
(c) Sweat and dirt.
(d) Violets and roses.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Sigismund call the King?

2. What does the King tearfully recall, regarding a king turning over his throne to his heir?

3. What do the Courtiers do to Sigismund?

4. With what does the Gypsy Girl say she is pregnant?

5. What does the King tell Sigismund is his first responsibility as prince?

(see the answer keys)

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