Tourist Season Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 113 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Tourist Season Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 113 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Where is Pavlov's home?
(a) Atlantic ocean.
(b) Saltwater swimming pool.
(c) Carribean Sea.
(d) Biscayne Bay.

2. What does the report that Bloodworth makes connect?
(a) Four murders to each other.
(b) Four incidents outside Miami to each other.
(c) Four terroist groups together.
(d) Four people to each other.

3. What is on the license plate of the car that peels away just before Keyes passes out?
(a) GATOR2.

4. Why was Keyes called into the newspaper office by Cab Mulchay?
(a) To find Wiley.
(b) To work as a reporter.
(c) To share information about the case.
(d) To catch up.

5. What does Garcia tell Keyes he is now in charge of?
(a) Protection of Keyes.
(b) Orange Bowl parade.
(c) Task force.
(d) Condo development building.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why did Mulcahy have no choice but to publish the article Wiley sent him?

2. Which of the following descriptions could best be used to describe the policemen who take Keyes away?

3. Which of the following characters do Keyes and the Shriners find on the beach in Nassau?

4. What does Tigertail want to try to let Bernal produce?

5. Where was Mitchell Klein stabbed?

Short Essay Questions

1. What happens between Keyes and Jenna in the hospital and what does he think about this?

2. In what way do Keyes and Mulcahy hope to lure Wiley back to Miami?

3. Who put the bullet holes in Jenna's walls and why were they put there?

4. Why do many of the people begin to leave the Otter Creek Condos and how does this make Wiley feel?

5. What do Hal Keefe and Garcia argue about and what does Keefe give to Garcia?

6. What does Jenna say Wiley was distraught about and why?

7. Why can't Keyes leave the island where Wiley's cabin is and what happens to him because he can't leave?

8. What does Bernal secretly hope will happen after he blows up several people and some greyhounds at the track with his bombs?

9. Why does Keyes go to Jenna's house?

10. What does the letter that is shown to Keyes by Garcia say about the murders and how is it signed?

(see the answer keys)

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