Toujours Provence Test | Final Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 139 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Toujours Provence Test | Final Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 139 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.

Short Answer Questions

1. Even though the water in the Mayle's pool is warm as soup, it attracts a herd of wild __________ one evening that back away when Boy scares them off.

2. Mayle tastes one that he thinks is unusually strong. His suspicions are confirmed when Michel tells him that the alcohol content is _________ percent, just at the legal limit for pastis.

3. The venue is fitting for the Italian. Why?

4. One blond woman is dressed in _________________ and her miniature white poodle is tethered to a white lead.

5. Michel Bosc runs a restaurant and bar in the village of ________________.

Short Essay Questions

1. How does the chapter end? What does this reveal about those involved in dog shows?

2. How is Mrs. Mayle's weakness for dogs taken advantage of here? How does the author seem to feel about her weakness? How do you know this?

3. What is the epitome of the Luberon? How is this being destroyed by the increase in visitors and new residents?

4. What does Massot find in the area? What is his next suggestion? Is this a good suggestion? Why or why not?

5. What does Mayle think of this market? How do you know this?

6. What does Mayle learn from a woman during the concert? Do you believe her? Why or why not?

7. What is another consequence of the drought. How might this affect the revenue of the region?

8. Why is Mayle in Avignon? Why is this important enough to include in the book?

9. Describe the venue in which Pavarotti performs. Why does Mayle include this information?

10. How is a stranger able to prevent Mayle from getting a parking ticket? Why is he able to do something Mayle is not able to do?

Essay Topics

Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:

Essay Topic 1

Lavender is an important crop in Provence.

Part 1) How does the author reveal its importance in this story? How is the author involved in the growing and/or harvesting of lavender? Why does he get involved? What might the author think of the production of lavender, based on his experiences with it?

Part 2) What other aspects of Provence are uniquely Provencal? How do these combine to make the Provencal culture? What are the author's thoughts on Provencal culture? Why? What are your own thoughts on the Provencal culture? Why?

Part 3) What crops are important in the U.S.? What is specifically grown in your region of the U.S.? How does this affect your community? How does this specifically affect your and your family? How does this, and other aspects of your culture, help you to relate to life in Provence?

Essay Topic 2

Peter makes observations about summers in Luberon.

Part 1) Describe Peter's observations. How does he share these observations with the reader? How does this style of writing compare to the rest of the book? What are your thoughts on the way Peter presents this information?

Part 2) Why are the summers in Luberon important to the author? How are the summers compared to other seasons? How are the details of these summers tied to Provencal and French culture?

Part 3) What are summers like in your own community? How do they compare to summers in Luberon? What are the reasons for these similarities and differences? Would you prefer to be in Luberon or your own community for the summer? Why?

Essay Topic 3

The Mayles have many unique experiences while living in Provence.

Part 1) Describe four of these unique experiences. Compare these experiences. How is one experience tied to the next? What is the purpose of telling the reader about these experiences? How does each experience support the author's purpose for writing this book?

Part 2) How do these experiences affect the reader? Do these stories make the book more engaging? Why or why not? Are all of these stories necessary? Why or why not?

Part 3) Describe a unique experience in your own life. How did it affect you? Are you still affected by it? Why or why not? How does your own unique experience compare to those of the Mayles?

(see the answer keys)

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