Toujours Provence Test | Final Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 139 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Toujours Provence Test | Final Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 139 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.

Short Answer Questions

1. After enduring another mild winter, dry conditions lead to a big fire that destroys six ____________________ acres near Marseille the following summer.

2. The real estate deals in the Lubéron are often examples of worlds ______________.

3. Often after a sale is finalized, the buyer notices what?

4. A woman sitting nearby insists that Pavarotti does what in between songs?

5. A card from Saint-Tropez notes the ________________ are increasing the number of applicants for the Saint-Tropez police force.

Short Essay Questions

1. How does the author describe Place Pie? What does this reinforce about him?

2. What does Mayle think of this market? How do you know this?

3. Describe Regis. What are you thoughts about this individual?

4. What is another consequence of the drought. How might this affect the revenue of the region?

5. How does the chapter end? What does this reveal about those involved in dog shows?

6. What does Massot do regarding the hunt for gold? Why does he do this?

7. How does the town of Orange feel about Pavarotti's arrival? Why do they feel this way?

8. What does Mayle learn from a woman during the concert? Do you believe her? Why or why not?

9. How does the drought and fire risk affect Mayle? How does this chapter end? Why does it end this way?

10. What is one of the possible consequences of drought in the region? How does this lead to more problems?

Essay Topics

Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:

Essay Topic 1

The title of the book is "Toujours Provence."

Part 1) How is this an appropriate title? What does it reveal about the writer? What clues does it give about the writer? What clues does it give the reader as to the subject and purpose of the book?

Part 2) What would another appropriate title be? Why? How important is the title of a book? What does the title reveal about the author and the book? How does it influence the reader?

Part 3) What were your initial thoughts about the title of this book? How did it immediately affect your opinion of the book? How did your opinion of the book evolve as you read the book? Why?

Essay Topic 2

The Mayles go to a dog show.

Part 1) Why do they attend a dog show? What does the author observe while at this dog show? How is this connected to other parts of the story? What does this reinforce about the characters and their experiences in Provence?

Part 2) What does the author notice about the dogs and their owners? Do you agree with him? Why or why not? Why might the owners do this? Do you find this odd? Why or why not?

Part 3) How are the details of this dog show important to the author? How are the details of life, as a whole, in Provence important to the author? Why? How do these details affect the reader?

Essay Topic 3

The author is opinionated.

Part 1) Describe the author's opinions that are given throughout this book. How does he come to have these opinions? Why is he so opinionated? Is this good or bad? Why?

Part 2) Do you agree with his opinions? Why or why not? Do his opinions change throughout the story? Why or why not? How do his opinions affect your opinions? Do they have any influence over you? If so, how? if not, why not?

Part 3) About what are you opinionated? Why? What does this reveal about you? Overall, do you believe you are an opinionated person? Why or why not?

(see the answer keys)

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