Toujours Provence Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 139 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Toujours Provence Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 139 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How else does Mayle feel about his book signing?
(a) He is excited about seeing his many fans at his book signing.
(b) He fears that celebrities will show up to his book signing.
(c) He is worried that other writers will come to his book signing.
(d) He doubts anyone would be interested with all the famous names in town.

2. How does Peter feel about this toad story?
(a) He is amused.
(b) He is annoyed.
(c) He is excited.
(d) He is skeptical but intrigued.

3. Why is this couple allowed to see the dog?
(a) They are looking to purchase a dog.
(b) They also own Korthais.
(c) They know a lot about the dogs in the neighborhood.
(d) Their dog had gone missing.

4. The man explains that the toads are dormant and hidden where?
(a) In incubators.
(b) In the pond.
(c) In his home.
(d) In the soil.

5. Over the next several weeks, Mayle's wife stalks the dog, who she learns spends time ______________ where it can feed off scraps.
(a) At a park.
(b) Outside a cafe.
(c) In a school yard.
(d) Outside her house.

Short Answer Questions

1. Mayle's wife spots a man walking down the road to _______________ with a large dog at his side.

2. These Provencal residents __________ their newfound celebrity.

3. Why does Peter ask Michel if it would be acceptable after swishing the wine around in his mouth to spit out some of the wine samples?

4. How does Mayle's wife feel when Mayle suggests that they should search for the owner?

5. Fans seek autographs from Mayle's neighbor, ____________, who is mentioned in the book as well as Monsieur Menicucci, a colorful, local plumber.

Short Essay Questions

1. Why is Peter's friend, Frank, worried and on edge? Should he feel this way?

2. What does Peter say about this tasting experience? Why does he give these details?

3. Why does Mayle's wife bring the dog home? Should she have done this? Why or why not?

4. What is Peter's opinion of picnics? Why?

5. Describe the truffle business.

6. Why might the Mayles have invited the Gregoires to see the dog?

7. How is Peter Mayle confused by the American visitor? How does this lead to a jab at Americans?

8. How does Peter get involved in this world of truffles?

9. How does Peter end up in the small town of Chateauneuf-du-Pape? How might Peter feel about this trip?

10. How does Mayle's wife first come across Boy? How does this first encounter lead her to act? How do you feel about her behavior?

(see the answer keys)

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