Toujours Provence Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 139 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Toujours Provence Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 139 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Inferior Italian________________ are often passed off as the superior French ones.
(a) Perfume.
(b) Truffles.
(c) Coins.
(d) Jewelry.

2. Peter contacts _____________, identified only as Monsieur X, for help for his friend Frank.
(a) A hunter.
(b) A farmer.
(c) A chef.
(d) A dog breeder.

3. A local couple, the ______________, are invited over to see the dog.
(a) The Chignons.
(b) The Francoises.
(c) Gregoires.
(d) The DeVanes.

4. Why is the Mayles' friend suspicious about the dog's pedigree?
(a) His ears are unusually large.
(b) He is unusually large.
(c) His coat is unusually curly.
(d) He is unusually small.

5. The party enjoys the idyllic setting and gourmet food, and toast the guest of honor with flutes of what?
(a) Peach champagne.
(b) Beer.
(c) Wine.
(d) Sparkling wine.

6. In ______________, Peter decides to travel to the small town of Châteauneuf-du-Pape in the wine country.
(a) June.
(b) August.
(c) September.
(d) April.

7. What does Mayle fear about the festival?
(a) Not dressing appropriately.
(b) Being late to his book signing.
(c) Running into celebrities.
(d) His book signing will be a disaster.

8. After arriving home, why does Benson ask Mayle to contact his brother?
(a) He is Benson's guardian.
(b) He is a doctor.
(c) He is his best friend.
(d) He is a lawyer.

9. Peter's friend, Frank, calls him from London. He seems worried and on edge. Why?
(a) He is lost.
(b) He was laid-off.
(c) He fears that he has missed truffle season.
(d) He worries about Peter.

10. What world is a murky one?
(a) The bank business.
(b) The car business.
(c) The truffle business.
(d) The insurance business.

11. This man is is also composing an original anthem for whom?
(a) The Italians.
(b) The newly created European Common Market.
(c) France.
(d) The U.S.

12. After being sent to one bureaucracy after the other, the final stop was a health check. The doctor found Mayle to be healthy but took his blood for one last screening which was to make sure he didn't have what?
(a) Syphilis.
(b) AIDS.
(c) Swine flu.
(d) Cholera.

13. The party will be held in picturesque ______________ and the guests will arrive by horse and carriage provided by local chef and friend, Maurice, who will also be providing the gourmet food.
(a) Lubéron.
(b) Monaco.
(c) Paris.
(d) Nice.

14. These Provencal residents __________ their newfound celebrity.
(a) Enjoy.
(b) Worry about.
(c) Fear.
(d) Are annoyed by.

15. Why does Peter fall asleep under a tree in the backyard?
(a) He is so full after lunch.
(b) He does not feel well.
(c) He is very tired.
(d) He is bored.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Mayle regret about his book signing?

2. How does the book store owner surprise Mayle?

3. Mayle instantly became pen pals with whom?

4. How does Peter almost lose Michel?

5. The Mayles decide that the dog needs a masculine name and call him what?

(see the answer keys)

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