Torch Song Trilogy Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 157 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Torch Song Trilogy Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 157 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How does David respond to Arnold telling him that Arnold still intends to adopt David?
(a) David says he wants Ed to adopt him instead.
(b) David is skeptical.
(c) David has decided he does not want to be adopted because of Mrs. Beckoff.
(d) David is appreciative of Arnold's thoughtfulness and states his joy at the thought of being adopted as Arnold's son.

2. Where do Laurel's parents live?
(a) Europe.
(b) The California coast.
(c) South America.
(d) New England.

3. What do Arnold and Alan decide?
(a) That Alan and Ed should be together.
(b) That they are better off just friends.
(c) That both need to be tested for HIV since Ed is HIV positive.
(d) That despite Alan's infidelity, they want to be together.

4. What has the weekend stirred up?
(a) A feeling of attraction between Ed and Alan.
(b) Insecurites in each person.
(c) A love triangle.
(d) Hidden anger between Ed and Arnold.

5. What does Mrs. Beckoff believe at first about David when David arrives?
(a) That David is Arnold's biological son.
(b) That David should go to a home with a mother and father.
(c) That Arnold has taken on an underage lover.
(d) That David is a biracial child.

6. What might be a theme of this particularly scene?
(a) That jealousy can occur in gay or straight relationships.
(b) This brief scene really didn't have a particular theme.
(c) That the weekend can be pretty dull without some partner swapping.
(d) That one should belong to an indoor tennis club.

7. What characters the apartment and why did they leave?
(a) Ed and Arnold left to have privacy.
(b) David and Ed have left the apartment so that Arnold and Mrs. Beckoff can have some privacy.
(c) Ed and Mrs. Beckoff left to go to the lawyer's office.
(d) Ed and Mrs. Beckoff left to give Arnold a chance to talk to David about the adoption.

8. What does each person begin to question?
(a) Why he or she loves their partner.
(b) Whether coming together was a good idea.
(c) If love can be wrong.
(d) The loyalty and depth of love of his or her lover.

9. What is the day when this act opens?
(a) Monday morning.
(b) A year later.
(c) Two months later.
(d) Sunday night.

10. To whom is Ed reading?
(a) Murray.
(b) Laurel.
(c) Arnold.
(d) No one.

11. Where is Alan?
(a) He has died.
(b) He and Arnold split up and he moved out.
(c) He is cooking breakfast in the kitchen.
(d) He is in the bath.

12. What does Arnold believe validates Laurel's attraction to gay men?
(a) The fact that Ed has told Laurel he is gay and she stays with him.
(b) The pass she makes for Alan.
(c) The fact that Laurel has slept with several gay men.
(d) The fact that Laurel goes to male gay bars frequently.

13. With what is Mrs. Beckoff concerned?
(a) With Arnold's plans to adopt David.
(b) With the obvious enmity between Ed and David.
(c) With the threat of Arnold contracting HIV.
(d) With whether Arnold is happy.

14. Why does Laurel say she is not inviting Alan and Arnold to her parent's home?
(a) She does not say.
(b) They live too far away.
(c) Her parents hate gay men.
(d) There is limited space.

15. How much time has passed since the last scene?
(a) A week.
(b) Ten years.
(c) One year.
(d) Five years.

Short Answer Questions

1. What was Arnold's mother's response and friends' responses to Arnold's loss of Alan?

2. What is Mrs. Beckoff's main concern about Arnold adopting David?

3. Who calls Arnold?

4. What is Ed's opinion of the subject matter of what he is reading?

5. What does each couple enjoy?

(see the answer keys)

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