Top Girls Test | Final Test - Easy

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Top Girls Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 135 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Louise's talking habits can be described as:
(a) She speaks a bit too much.
(b) She shares a conversation equally.
(c) She speaks very little.
(d) She is too nervous to say what she would like.

2. Which political figure does Marlene admire?
(a) Margaret Thatcher.
(b) Ronald Reagan.
(c) Prince Charles.
(d) The Queen of England.

3. What kind of company does Winn feel will welcome Louise?
(a) A car company.
(b) A restaurant.
(c) A cosmetics comany.
(d) An employment agency.

4. What does Angie do with her dress?
(a) She complains that it does not fit properly.
(b) She keeps it on during the visit.
(c) She asks Marlene to take it back.
(d) She wants Joyce to try it on.

5. According to Marlene and Joyce, why did their mother have a miserable life?
(a) She was never able to use the education she had.
(b) Her husband was a drunk.
(c) She lost all her money gambling on horses.
(d) Her children were such a disappointment to her.

6. What does Angie convince Marlene of?
(a) That Joyce will be joining them shortly.
(b) That Joyce has a new boyfriend.
(c) That Joyce knows Angie is there.
(d) That Joyce is having a baby.

7. What is wrong with Shona's description of her travel routine?
(a) It is a lie.
(b) It takes too long to explain.
(c) It better describes her vacation routine.
(d) It duplicates Nell's travel routine.

8. What does Marlene drink at work?
(a) Tea.
(b) Soda.
(c) Wine.
(d) Coffee.

9. How did Winn get her present job?
(a) She applied through the company's web site.
(b) She answered an ad in the paper.
(c) Marlene knew her from college.
(d) She was headhunted.

10. What are Win and Nell's position in the company?
(a) They wish to be hired.
(b) They are Marlene's bosses.
(c) They are assistants.
(d) They have the same position as Marlene.

11. According to Mrs. Kidd, what is demeaning for Howard?
(a) To work at an employment agency
(b) To work for a white person
(c) To work for a woman
(d) To work in an office job

12. According to Win, Louise will have to interview against:
(a) Older men.
(b) More experienced women.
(c) Younger women.
(d) Younger men.

13. How does Louise feel that she is viewed as at work?
(a) As a weak woman.
(b) As a feminine woman.
(c) As an androgenous person.
(d) As a man.

14. What sort of gift-giver is Marlene?
(a) She gives gifts that are too expensive.
(b) She gives gifts and then usually wants them back.
(c) She gives rather cheap gifts.
(d) She does not remember birthdays or Christmas.

15. Marlene suggests that if Howard is unhappy, he should:
(a) Talk to Marlene himself.
(b) See a psychiatrist.
(c) Work harder and get promoted.
(d) Go work somewhere else.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Angie do with the perfume?

2. What does Marlene bring to drink to Joyce's house?

3. Why might it be hard for Howard to find a job?

4. Why does Angie want to stay and watch Marlene?

5. What shocking thing did Joyce's husband do?

(see the answer keys)

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