To the Lighthouse Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 155 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

To the Lighthouse Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 155 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who says that the weather will not be nice enough for the trip?
(a) Nancy
(b) Mr. Carmichael
(c) Lily Briscoe
(d) Mr. Ramsay

2. How does Nancy feel when she sees Paul and Minta kissing?
(a) She doesn't care what they do.
(b) It bolsters her spirits.
(c) She is angry and indignant.
(d) She is happy for them.

3. What does Mr. Ramsay say he will do if Mr. Tansley marries Prue?
(a) He will give her away.
(b) He will wish her the best.
(c) He will have a celebration.
(d) He will disown her.

4. What makes Mr. Ramsay a happy man?
(a) He has his wife, children, and his career teaching young men philosophy.
(b) Reciting his poetry
(c) Going for a walk on the beach
(d) His books and his lectures

5. What are the many places Mr. Bankes has traveled?
(a) Madrid, Poland, and Iceland
(b) Amsterdam, Madrid, and Rome
(c) America, South America, and Amsterdam
(d) Rome, France, and Spain

Short Answer Questions

1. Why does Mrs. Ramsay think it is a good idea for her husband to spend time at the summerhouse?

2. What does James imagine doing to his father?

3. How does Mrs. Ramsay try to lift James' spirits after his father's negative comments

4. What is the children's opinion of Mr. Tansley?

5. What returns to Mr. Bankes as he begins to eat dinner?

Short Essay Questions

1. What is James' reaction when his father praises his sailing abilities?

2. Why does Mr. Ramsay think he cannot talk to his wife as she sits in the chair knitting after James goes to bed?

3. Why does Mr. Ramsay become so angry with his wife when she is measuring James' leg for the stockings she is knitting?

4. Explain the comparison Lily Biscoe makes between Mr. Ramsay and William Bankes.

5. What are James' and Cam's emotions as they sail to the Lighthouse with their father?

6. Describe the way Lily feels while she is painting after Mr. Ramsay leaves for the Lighthouse.

7. Summarize the description Mrs. Ramsay gives of her husband's self-esteem?

8. What does William Bankes think about as he looks at the far sand hills while walking with Lily Biscoe?

9. Why does James consider taking a knife and stabbing his father through the heart?

10. Cam resists her father's attempt at making her smile. What does she remember about her father as she tries to remain true to the pact she makes with James to resist Mr. Ramsay?

(see the answer keys)

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