Titan: The Life of John D. Rockefeller, Sr Test | Final Test - Easy

Ron Chernow
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 122 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Titan: The Life of John D. Rockefeller, Sr Test | Final Test - Easy

Ron Chernow
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 122 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
Buy the Titan: The Life of John D. Rockefeller, Sr Lesson Plans
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. The trust does what to satisfy the courts?
(a) Dissolves.
(b) Does not change.
(c) Reorganizes.
(d) Disbands.

2. After the assassination of McKinley, who becomes President?
(a) Dwight D. Eisenhower.
(b) Theodore Roosevelt.
(c) Franklin Delano Roosevelt.
(d) Herbert Hoover.

3. What are the project's first goals to establish?
(a) Colleges.
(b) Grade schools.
(c) Private schools.
(d) High schools.

4. In 1897, why does the Ohio Attorney General feel the Ohio company is in contempt of court?
(a) The company has broken several laws.
(b) The trust is still in force and the certificates cannot be redeemed for show.
(c) The company has grown too large.
(d) The trust will not give the appropriate documents to the court.

5. The Rockefellers acquire what bank which handles most of the trust companies?
(a) The Equitable Trust Bank.
(b) Chase Bank.
(c) National City Bank.
(d) Capital One Bank.

6. When Junior will not budge on the issue of the open shop, what happens?
(a) The National Guard is sent to Colorado.
(b) Federal troops are sent to Colorado.
(c) Private security is sent to Colorado.
(d) Peace makers are sent to Colorado.

7. What has Standard Oil done with some records that have been requested by the court?
(a) They have given them to the court.
(b) They have thrown them away.
(c) They have burned them.
(d) They have lost them.

8. The media response to the Rockefeller philanthropy is what?
(a) He is trying to buy a good reputation.
(b) He is trying to support those in need.
(c) He is showing how much he cares.
(d) He is expressing his religious views.

9. In 1903, Junior begins asking his father to publish an authorized biography for what reason?
(a) To make him famous.
(b) To repair the damage done by Tarbell.
(c) To bring him to the people.
(d) To tell their family's story.

10. There are eight hundred _____________________ by 1910 as a result of the efforts of the GEB.
(a) New black Southern grade schools.
(b) New black Southern high schools.
(c) New black Southern colleges.
(d) New black Southern private schools.

11. As a result of this trip, Rockefeller funds _________________ which receives a perpetual federal charter for the promotion of education regardless of race, sex or creed.
(a) The General Education board.
(b) The Generous Educating board.
(c) The George Edmunds board.
(d) The Great Education board.

12. Senior begins transferring his wealth to Junior in 1917 due to what reason?
(a) He wants his children to have most of his money.
(b) He is ill.
(c) He does not want the responsibility of the family wealth.
(d) A change in the inheritance tax.

13. Rockefeller is continually besieged with requests for what?
(a) Help.
(b) Money.
(c) Friendship.
(d) Advice.

14. After a sheltered childhood, what does Junior crave?
(a) Responsibility.
(b) Adventure.
(c) Friendship.
(d) Involvement in helping social problems.

15. There is more opposition to Standard Oil as what is formed by a group of independents?
(a) The British Patroleum Company.
(b) The Exxon Company.
(c) The Sun Oil Company.
(d) The Pure Oil Company.

Short Answer Questions

1. John D. continues to single-handed support what university until 1910?

2. He agrees to Harper's plan to establish a university in what city?

3. Does Standard Oil remain silent throughout the series?

4. The government wins its antitrust case against Standard oil of New Jersey which is ordered to divest itself of its subsidiaries. The Supreme Court upholds the verdict on May 15, 1911, giving the trust six months to divest. What does the divestiture do to Rockefeller?

5. John and Abby buy a new house and begin to spend their summers where?

(see the answer keys)

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