Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 105 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 105 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who is worried about Bill at the beginning of Chapter 24?
(a) Matron.
(b) His classmates.
(c) Jim.
(d) Thursgood.

2. Who has an affair with Smiley's wife?
(a) Haydon.
(b) Bland.
(c) Toby.
(d) Control.

3. Who does not lie to Smiley about his involvement in Witchcraft?
(a) Haydon.
(b) Alleline.
(c) Toby.
(d) Bland.

4. What name does Tarr put on his fake passport?
(a) Poole.
(b) Cooney.
(c) Cole.
(d) Glover.

5. What does the person who calls Smiley at the end of Chapter 19 want?
(a) To get information about Ellis.
(b) To deflect.
(c) To have an emergency meeting.
(d) To request a ransom.

6. What does Tarr say is finished if Irina is correct?
(a) The Brixton schoolhouse.
(b) Moscow Centre.
(c) The Circus.
(d) London Station.

7. What does Tarr find that Irina leaves him?
(a) A diary.
(b) Her watch.
(c) Binoculars.
(d) A letter.

8. What is Guilliam's first name?
(a) Paul.
(b) Peter.
(c) John.
(d) Martin.

9. Where was Ellis shot?
(a) In the arm.
(b) In the kneecap.
(c) In the stomach.
(d) In the back.

10. Who says, "I'm very disappointed with you, young Peter."?
(a) Haydon.
(b) Smiley.
(c) Alleline.
(d) Tarr.

11. What kind of alcohol does Jim have on a table in his trailer when Bill spies on him?
(a) Bourbon.
(b) Vodka.
(c) Rum.
(d) Tequila.

12. What is the name of the Hong Kong agent that Tarr talks to about Irina?
(a) Gregor.
(b) Thesinger.
(c) Lee.
(d) Karla.

13. How is Toby described as dressing?
(a) Like an old man.
(b) Like a lumberjack.
(c) Like a male model.
(d) Like an eighth grader.

14. What does Bill see that scares him?
(a) Jim stealing another teacher's lunch money.
(b) Smiley following Jim.
(c) Jim loading a gun.
(d) Jim being shot.

15. Who questions Tarr and wants to know why he suddenly showed up?
(a) Irina.
(b) Smiley.
(c) Lacon.
(d) Guilliam.

Short Answer Questions

1. What do the janitors call Toby?

2. What color are the requisition slips that Guilliam gets from the archivist?

3. Who is Percy Alleline?

4. Where does Guilliam go to search for documents?

5. When is Alleline's memo dated that Smiley reads in Chapter 19?

(see the answer keys)

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