Time and Again Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 135 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Time and Again Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 135 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Despite possible consequences to the future, what does Si decide to do?
(a) Marry Julia.
(b) Save Carmody's life.
(c) Put Jake in jail.
(d) Break up Jake and Julia.

2. In the present time, who does Si talk to about Julia?
(a) Ruben.
(b) Andrew Carmody.
(c) Katie's dad.
(d) The woman who lives at 19 Gramercy Park.

3. After dinner, when Jake returns to the boarding house, what is on his shirt?
(a) Grass stains.
(b) Mud.
(c) Blood.
(d) I heart New York.

4. During the board meeting, who gets angry and says he's going to shut the project down?
(a) Esterhazy.
(b) Dr. Rossoff.
(c) Si.
(d) Danziger.

5. When Si returns to the boarding house, where does he tell Julia he's going?
(a) To the Dakota.
(b) Home to see Katie.
(c) To his office.
(d) Home to work on the farm.

Short Answer Questions

1. What risk does Danziger tell the board is too high for the project to continue?

2. While he reads the paper, what does Si notice about Julia?

3. In the board meeting, what does Esterhazy say about the project's risks?

4. In Chapter 16, the board of directors wants whose input on whether or not the project should continue?

5. How does Si know where to hide to watch Jake meet Carmody?

Short Essay Questions

1. Who is Jake Pickering and why is he not happy to meet Si?

2. What connection does Julia make between the boots in Jake's room and Carmody?

3. When Chapter 12 opens with Si in the past, what two sketches does he make?

4. How does Si learn that Carmody is motivated by social advancement?

5. As Si and Julia hide in a corner of Jake's office, what happens between Carmody and Jake?

6. What information is in the contracts Jake has in his office, and what does Jake conclude from the information in them?

7. When Si returns to the agency after his day off, why is everyone there distracted?

8. Who opens the door to Si at 19 Gramercy Park and how does Si describe that individual?

9. What is "The Tweed Ring"?

10. During the board discussion about affects of time travel on the future, what two opposing points of view do Danziger and Esterhazy express?

(see the answer keys)

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