Thunderhead Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 139 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Thunderhead Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 139 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What concessions does Nora ask for?
(a) She asks for a raise, a press conference to announce the trip, and a new horse.
(b) She leads the expedition, it be kept secret and that Goddard allows Skip to work in her department while she is gone.
(c) That Goddard forgive her other work, hold a press conference, and hire the best archeologist to go.
(d) She wants a promotion and a press conference announcing her findings.

2. What is the condition that Goddard attaches?
(a) He wants Nora to finish her work from previous expeditions first.
(b) That Nora takes his daughter Sloane on the expedition.
(c) That Nora has only two weeks to accomplish her search.
(d) That Nora must raise the money herself.

3. In what condition does Skip arrive for work?
(a) Over confident.
(b) Overdressed.
(c) Hungover.
(d) Over qualified.

4. Who is the paleopathologist and medical doctor on the expedition?
(a) Aaron Black
(b) Enrique Aragon
(c) Dr. Blakewood
(d) Peter Holroyd

5. How does Dr. Blakewood react to Nora's idea for the expedition?
(a) He calls in other experts.
(b) He joins her excitement..
(c) He threatens to fire her.
(d) He holds a press conference.

6. What three things did the Detective ask of Skip?
(a) To write an inventory, list missing items and estimate the costs.
(b) To keep Teresa's death to himself; to stay away from the farmhouse; and to stay where they could find him.
(c) To go to the farmhouse, take inventory, and clean up.
(d) To find Nora; get a lawyer and accompany him to the farmhouse.

7. What do they find that doesn't appear to belong?
(a) Carvings from another period.
(b) None of the above.
(c) A room full of potsherds.
(d) A burial cyst with two bodies.

8. When does John leave Nora and Bill?
(a) When she tells him her father was never found.
(b) When his grandmother arrives.
(c) After breakfast the next morning.
(d) When the sun rises.

9. Which two expedition members will join the group at Wahweap Marina?
(a) Rusty and the journalist.
(b) Goddard's daughter and Rusty Squire
(c) The journalist and Dr. Goddard's daughter, Sloane.
(d) The journalist and the cook.

10. What does Nora discover when she gets home?
(a) Her brother is waiting for her.
(b) Her mother is waiting for her.
(c) Her dog has had puppies.
(d) Someone has broken in.

11. Who saves Nora Kelly from her attacker at the old family ranch?
(a) Dr. Blakewood.
(b) Her brother Skip.
(c) Their neighbor, Teresa Gonzalez.
(d) Peter Holroyd.

12. Where does Peter Holroyd meet Nora for the first time?
(a) Nora's home.
(b) Pizza parlor.
(c) The Institute.
(d) Cal Tech.

13. What is the life force called?
(a) Wind, or liehei.
(b) Rain, or waihei.
(c) Sun, or seihei.
(d) Earth, or calhei.

14. What signs would convince Nora they were still on the Anasazi road?
(a) Symbols.
(b) Traces of charcoal.
(c) Road signs.
(d) Carvings.

15. What does Skip find out about his brakes?
(a) That the brake fluid leaked out under the car.
(b) That someone drained them deliberately.
(c) That the mechanic failed to do his job.
(d) That someone cut the lines.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Nora ask Dr. Blakewood for permission to do?

2. What were the petroglyphs that Nora found on the cliff face?

3. What interrupts Skips work on the first day?

4. Who is the geochronologist on the expedition?

5. What happens to Teresa Gonzales?

(see the answer keys)

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