Therese Raquin Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Émile Gaboriau
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 130 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Therese Raquin Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Émile Gaboriau
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 130 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. When does Laurent know he got away with murder?
(a) After the police interview him.
(b) When Thérèse starts feeling better.
(c) He never really believes he got away with murder.
(d) When he reads about the accident in the paper.

2. In "Chapter I", how is Thérèse described in the shop?
(a) Like she doesn't know what she is doing.
(b) Like she owns the place.
(c) Like she is never there.
(d) Like she is part of it.

3. Where does Laurent kiss Thérèse while Camille sleeps in "Chapter XI"?
(a) Her lips.
(b) Her forehead.
(c) Her hand.
(d) Her ankle.

4. In "Chapter IX", what is one pro Laurent thinks of for killing Camille?
(a) The money.
(b) The fame.
(c) He could prove his power.
(d) He could marry Thérèse.

5. What does Laurent tell the rescuers Camille was doing before he fell in the water?
(a) Drinking.
(b) Dancing.
(c) Fighting.
(d) Jumping.

6. Who did Michaud used to work for?
(a) A lawyer.
(b) A university.
(c) The police.
(d) The governor.

7. In "Chapter VII", how does Laurent find time to meet with Thérèse?
(a) He takes time off work.
(b) He only sees her on weekends.
(c) He meets with her early in the morning.
(d) He sneaks her out at night.

8. In "Chapter X", what does Michaud say about many murders?
(a) They are violent.
(b) They are actually accidents.
(c) They go unsolved.
(d) They are committed by people the victim knows.

9. What makes Laurent decide to visit the morgue just two more times?
(a) Fearing he'll seem guilty.
(b) The way the workers look at him.
(c) Seeing a body of a man who fell.
(d) The smell.

10. In "Chapter III", why does the narrator say Camille wanted to leave the country?
(a) He had never been to a city.
(b) He was bored.
(c) He wanted to go to school.
(d) He found a new job.

11. Why does Laurent capsize the boat after throwing Camille in?
(a) Laurent doesn't capsize the boat.
(b) To make it look like an accident.
(c) To destroy the evidence.
(d) To frighten Thérèse.

12. In "Chapter I", what does the old woman do in the shop?
(a) Writes.
(b) Tells jokes.
(c) Organizes the ribbons.
(d) Sleeps.

13. In "Chapter IX", why does Laurent see less of Thérèse?
(a) He goes out of town.
(b) He meets another woman.
(c) He becomes sick.
(d) He has to work.

14. In "Chapter VI", how does the narrator describe Laurent's portrait?
(a) Depressing.
(b) Beautiful.
(c) Terrible.
(d) Complicated.

15. Why does Laurent say he lost the financial support of his father?
(a) Because his father died.
(b) Because he tried to make a living painting.
(c) Because his father lost their money in a bad investment.
(d) Because he turned 21.

Short Answer Questions

1. In "Chapter VII", what does Laurent do when Madame Raquin comes up to Thérèse's room when he is there?

2. In "Chapter III", why does Camille think he will not spend much time at the shop?

3. How does Thérèse know Laurent?

4. How does Laurent begin his affair with the model?

5. What does Camille do most nights after work?

(see the answer keys)

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