Three Tall Women Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 140 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Three Tall Women Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 140 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does B say about A's friends being dead?
(a) She's glad because they were a bad influence on A.
(b) A should make more friends so she won't be lonely.
(c) She didn't like most of them anyway.
(d) B wonders how A outlived all of them.

2. Why does A complain about B in Act 1, Part 1?
(a) A complains that B is hurting her.
(b) A complains that B is rude to her.
(c) A complains that B talks too much.
(d) A complains that B is a terrible cook.

3. Why do the doctors want to amputate A's arm?
(a) Because she has an infected wound on her wrist.
(b) Because she fell and broke it, and it isn't healing.
(c) Because she has poor circulation.
(d) Because she has gangrene in her fingers.

4. How did A get rich?
(a) She married a rich man.
(b) She was an actress.
(c) She inherited a small fortune.
(d) She invested wisely.

5. Whose arm is broken in Act 1, Part 1?
(a) The boy's.
(b) C's.
(c) A's.
(d) B's.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who is onstage at the end of Act 1, Part 4?

2. What did A win prizes for after her marriage?

3. Who breaks a glass in Act 1, Part 2?

4. According to A, Sis and her mother hated what part of A's personality?

5. According to A, who took advantage of Sis?

Short Essay Questions

1. What happened to A's husband's shoulder?

2. What is B's rationale for the racist words that A uses?

3. How does A react while she is telling the bracelet story?

4. What does B mean when she says that they were with one man for forty years, "more or less"?

5. Why does C object to the way A describes her husband in Act 1, Part 2?

6. What do B and C say about the movie star A met?

7. What does A say about her personal strength, in Act 1, Part 4?

8. What does C tell A in Act 2, Part 4?

9. How did A's father die?

10. What qualities did Sis have that made A jealous of her?

(see the answer keys)

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