Three Tall Women Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 140 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Three Tall Women Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 140 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does C regret about her experience with the young man who took her virginity?
(a) She wishes she had waited until she was older.
(b) She couldn't do everything she wanted to do for him.
(c) She wishes she had waited for her husband.
(d) She wishes she had married him.

2. Which of the following was NOT a characteristic of B's husband, according to B's description of him in Act 2, Part 2?
(a) He was a good dancer.
(b) He made her laugh.
(c) He liked tall women.
(d) He loved children.

3. In A's premonition, who was with her when she died?
(a) Her son.
(b) The servants and her son.
(c) No one.
(d) The servants.

4. C wonders, in Act 2, Part 4, if what ended with her?
(a) The happy times.
(b) Compassion.
(c) Youthful vigor.
(d) Her family's wealth.

5. What metaphor does B use for middle age?
(a) The middle of the day.
(b) Crossing a bridge.
(c) Standing in a forest.
(d) Standing on the peak of a mountain.

6. According to Act 2, Part 2, why do men cheat?
(a) Because they need variety.
(b) Because they are lonely.
(c) Because they are men.
(d) Because their significant other isn't fulfilling their needs.

7. What happened to A's mother as she got older?
(a) Her health declined rapidly.
(b) She became more understanding and compassionate.
(c) She lost touch with both of her daughters.
(d) She got nasty and lonely.

8. Who appears in Act 1, Part 2, as C is writing?
(a) The Boy.
(b) B.
(c) A.
(d) The doctor.

9. What was the son carrying as he walked in, in A's premonition?
(a) A teddy bear.
(b) Flowers.
(c) A baby.
(d) Chocolates.

10. What does B tell A about their father?
(a) He cheated on their mother.
(b) He was very tall.
(c) He had a heart attack.
(d) He molested Sis.

11. How did Sis and A react when their father died?
(a) They didn't cry at all, to be strong for their mother.
(b) They went to their own rooms to cry.
(c) Sis cried, but A didn't.
(d) They cried together.

12. According to A's premonition, when did her son come to see her?
(a) Before she became ill.
(b) At the moment she passed away.
(c) After she was gone.
(d) Just before she died.

13. How does C meet the young man she describes at the end of Act 2, Part 1?
(a) He comes over to meet her sister.
(b) She dances with him.
(c) He delivers a package to her house.
(d) She runs into him at a party.

14. What do B and C see when they walk in at the beginning of Act 2, Part 1?
(a) They see that A has been covered with a sheet, and they think she is dead.
(b) They see The Boy hovering by his mother's bedside.
(c) They see an empty bed, and they are alarmed because they don't know where A is.
(d) They see that there has been no change in A's condition.

15. How did A's mother-in-law feel about her?
(a) She didn't like A.
(b) A did not have a mother-in-law.
(c) She liked A very much.
(d) She was always distant, and A couldn't tell if she liked her or not.

Short Answer Questions

1. What happens at the end of Act 2, Part 2?

2. What does C ask A and B regarding A's accident?

3. Why does A believe that old age is the best time of life?

4. What does C say about her mother in Act 2, Part 1?

5. Who is the man that C describes near the end of Act 2, Part 1?

(see the answer keys)

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