Three Tall Women Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 140 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Three Tall Women Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 140 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What happens at the end of Act 2, Part 2?
(a) A dies.
(b) B leaves.
(c) The Boy walks into the room.
(d) C leaves.

2. How did A kill time while she was bedridden after breaking her back?
(a) Wondering who her husband was having sex with.
(b) Reading.
(c) Writing a book.
(d) Wondering where her son was.

3. Who is the man that C describes near the end of Act 2, Part 1?
(a) The man who took her virginity.
(b) Her estranged brother.
(c) Sis's boyfriend.
(d) The man who paid for her schooling.

4. What is B's response to C's concern at the beginning of Act 2, Part 1?
(a) B tells C not to worry, that A will be fine.
(b) B talks about the various ways in which death can come to anyone.
(c) B tells C that as long as she doesn't grow old and bitter, she will not die alone.
(d) B tells C that she doesn't need to worry about dying alone because she has a large family.

5. How is A able to see herself and her life in Act 2, Part 4?
(a) With broken memories.
(b) Objectively.
(c) With emotion.
(d) In limited detail.

6. What does C say about A and B in Act 2, Part 1?
(a) She will help B to care for A.
(b) She will not grow up like either of them.
(c) A and B are both nasty and selfish.
(d) She doesn't want to be around A and B any more.

7. What did A do with most of her jewelry?
(a) She gave it to other people.
(b) She threw it away.
(c) She hid it.
(d) She sold it.

8. What happened to the man B had an affair with?
(a) She got him fired.
(b) He never spoke to her again.
(c) He fled the country.
(d) He was killed by B's husband.

9. How does A respond to what C says to her in Act 2, Part 4?
(a) A hugs C.
(b) A "denies" B, C, and her son.
(c) A throws C out of her hospital room.
(d) A ignores C.

10. How did A's mother-in-law feel about her?
(a) She liked A very much.
(b) She didn't like A.
(c) A did not have a mother-in-law.
(d) She was always distant, and A couldn't tell if she liked her or not.

11. How did A's father-in-law feel about her?
(a) He was civil to her.
(b) He never spoke to her.
(c) He disliked her.
(d) He liked her.

12. What metaphor does B use for middle age?
(a) The middle of the day.
(b) Standing on the peak of a mountain.
(c) Crossing a bridge.
(d) Standing in a forest.

13. How did Sis and A react when their father died?
(a) Sis cried, but A didn't.
(b) They went to their own rooms to cry.
(c) They cried together.
(d) They didn't cry at all, to be strong for their mother.

14. What happened to A's mother as she got older?
(a) Her health declined rapidly.
(b) She got nasty and lonely.
(c) She lost touch with both of her daughters.
(d) She became more understanding and compassionate.

15. What does C ask A and B regarding A's accident?
(a) Whether they got to shoot the horse.
(b) If the medical bills were very high.
(c) If they got any money out of it.
(d) Who took care of A's son while she was bedridden.

Short Answer Questions

1. How did A break her back?

2. What does C regret about her experience with the young man who took her virginity?

3. What was the son carrying as he walked in, in A's premonition?

4. What did B's son confront B with before he walked out of the house the first time?

5. What is C unable to remember in Act 2, Part 4?

(see the answer keys)

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