Three Tall Women Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 140 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Three Tall Women Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 140 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. When did the incident with the bracelet occur between A and her husband?
(a) On Christmas Eve.
(b) After they came home from a party.
(c) After a riding show.
(d) When her husband came home from work.

2. A was more careful than Sis about what?
(a) Birth control.
(b) Men.
(c) Finances.
(d) Her health.

3. How do B and C know that A is still alive?
(a) She has a pulse.
(b) Her eyelids are moving.
(c) She is breathing.
(d) She is conscious.

4. A says in Act 1, Part 2 that she learned lessons about people from whom?
(a) Her mother.
(b) Her sister.
(c) Her husband.
(d) Her son.

5. What does A say about the boys she used to dance with?
(a) They only danced with her if Sis was already occupied.
(b) They only wanted to take advantage of her.
(c) She only liked to dance with rich boys.
(d) Some of them were "fairies".

6. What did the doctors tell A to do for her husband's infected shoulder?
(a) They told her to bring him to a witch doctor.
(b) They told her to bring him to the desert to bake out the infection.
(c) They told her to use leeches to drain some of the infected blood.
(d) They told her to use maggots to eat the dead tissue.

7. What does B tell C about empathy?
(a) That she should be more empathetic so that people will be empathetic with her when she is old.
(b) That C will be old soon enough and won't have to imagine what it's like.
(c) That empathy is an unnecessary emotion.
(d) That having too much empathy can be bad for a person.

8. How does C respond to A's situation at the end of Act 1, Part 4?
(a) She cries.
(b) She begins to panic.
(c) She calls the doctor.
(d) She leaves to call A's son.

9. What does C say about memories in Act 1, Part 3?
(a) There is no reason to remember everything that has happened to you.
(b) There is safety and salvation in forgetting things.
(c) You have to talk about things so you won't forget them.
(d) If you forget something, there is a reason for it.

10. What comment does B make to C, regarding A's bathroom habits?
(a) A takes too long in the bathroom, and B can never use it.
(b) A should be using a bedpan at night.
(c) A should be able to get to the bathroom by herself.
(d) Just when B gets A in her chair, A has to go.

11. Why does the glass get broken in Act 1, Part 2?
(a) The boy comes home drunk.
(b) B and C engage in a fistfight.
(c) A falls while in the bathroom.
(d) A wants to get a reaction out of B.

12. What does A say about people at the beginning of Act 1, Part 2?
(a) No one is ever completely honest.
(b) People often hide their fears.
(c) Everybody wants something.
(d) People's intentions are often better than their actions.

13. Why does the bracelet incident affect A so deeply?
(a) It ends her joy in sex.
(b) It leaves physical scars on her that make it hard for her to forget the incident.
(c) It was the event that precipitated her divorce.
(d) Her son was present when it happened.

14. A refers repeatedly to the fact that Sis did what?
(a) Drank.
(b) Shoplifted.
(c) Had an abortion.
(d) Dated girls.

15. How does B try to reassure A when she cries in Act 1, Part 3?
(a) B tells A that she isn't going to die alone, that B and C will be there.
(b) B tells A that she will help her get her affairs in order.
(c) B tells A that what she can't remember is still there, she just can't access it all the time.
(d) B tells A that her son still loves her, he's just too busy to visit a lot of the time.

Short Answer Questions

1. A reveals in Act 1, Part 2 that who had an affair?

2. How does B respond to A's situation at the end of Act 1, Part 4?

3. How did A's husband react to A's response to his request when he presented the bracelet?

4. Why did Sis have to be forced into marriage?

5. According to A, who took advantage of Sis?

(see the answer keys)

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