Three Women Test | Final Test - Easy

Lisa Taddeo
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 173 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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Three Women Test | Final Test - Easy

Lisa Taddeo
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 173 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In the second section in Part IV focused on Maggie, what does Aaron Knodel hold as he takes the stand?
(a) A bible.
(b) A keychain.
(c) A rosary.
(d) A flower.

2. Who is Aaron Knodel's wife?
(a) Jennifer Knodel.
(b) Marie Knodel.
(c) Mary Knodel.
(d) Claire Knodel.

3. What song does Maggie sing to her father Mark in his coffin before his funeral?
(a) Every Time We Say Goodbye.
(b) Blackbird.
(c) Yesterday.
(d) It's So Hard to Say Goodbye to Yesterday.

4. When Sloane is about 10 years old, why does her mother take her to the doctor?
(a) To test her blood for rare diseases.
(b) To talk about sex.
(c) To get diet pills.
(d) To test her for allergies.

5. Who is the first friend to confront Maggie about what has been going on with her and Mr. Knodel?
(a) Heather.
(b) Jennifer.
(c) Sammy.
(d) Tabitha.

6. In the first section of Part IV that focuses on Maggie, what is one significant item Maggie has saved that she thinks may prove the truth of her and Aaron Knodel's relationship?
(a) Her copy of Harry Potter that he has written in the margins in.
(b) A ring Aaron Knodel gave her.
(c) Her copy of Twilight that he has written post-it notes in.
(d) Dried flowers from Aaron Knodel.

7. What is Sloane's mother's name?
(a) Dyan.
(b) Dior.
(c) Francesca.
(d) Erica.

8. What is the one time Sloane's mother acknowledges her struggles in high school with her body and her health?
(a) She tells Sloane's father to talk to Sloane for her.
(b) She asks Sloane why she is trying to kill herself.
(c) She takes Sloane to a doctor to try to get her back on track.
(d) She sends Sloane to an in-patient clinic for therapy and treatment.

9. Who is the forensic document handler who testifies during Aaron Knodel's trial?
(a) Darlene Everton.
(b) Lisa Hanson.
(c) Marla Smith.
(d) Michaela Snorton.

10. Who are the only people who really ask Sloane what is going on with her in high school?
(a) Gabe.
(b) Sloane's father.
(c) Sloane's grandmother.
(d) Her friend Ingrid and Ingrid's mother.

11. What does Lina think about the target audience people have in mind when they post things on social media?
(a) She thinks most people have just one particular person in mind when they post things on social media.
(b) She thinks everyone has an old flame in mind when the post on social media.
(c) She thinks everyone has a spouse in mind when posting on social media.
(d) She thinks most people have all their friends in mind when they post on social media.

12. What popular book series does Maggie love?
(a) The Saarsgard Trilogy.
(b) Harry Potter.
(c) The Lord of the Rings.
(d) Fifty Shades of Gray.

13. Aaron Knodel sent Maggie poems by which poet when they were involved together?
(a) Henry Byron.
(b) Pablo Neruda.
(c) Robert Louis Stevenson.
(d) Henry James.

14. What social media platform does Lina often use to talk to Aidan?
(a) Instagram.
(b) Snapchat.
(c) Twitter.
(d) Facebook.

15. What does Lina often feed her young son for lunch?
(a) Macaroni and cheese.
(b) Happy meals.
(c) Chicken nuggets.
(d) Pretzels.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why are Lina's plans to have sex at the Best Western with Aidan foiled in the first section focused on her in Part IV?

2. What is Arlene Wilkens' nickname for her husband Mark?

3. What kind of health problem does Sloane struggle severely with during high school?

4. In the second section of Part III focused on Lina, what does Aiden tell her that puts her in such a good mood?

5. Where did Mark Wilken work most of his career?

(see the answer keys)

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