Three Famous Short Novels Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 154 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Three Famous Short Novels Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 154 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What part of Henry's body is broken during the wild horse stampede?
(a) His rib.
(b) His leg.
(c) His nose.
(d) His arm.

2. Who swears that they saw Flem Snopes return the Armstid money to Hipps before he skipped town?
(a) Wallstreet.
(b) Doctor Varner.
(c) Snope's family.
(d) Henry Armstid.

3. How does Hipps feel about Mississippi as he drives away after the auction?
(a) He will continue doing business there.
(b) He would like to move his family there.
(c) He is apathetic to the state as a whole.
(d) He will never return there.

4. What does the fat convict claim he grabbed onto in order to save himself when his boat overturned?
(a) A sharp jag of rock.
(b) A low-hanging branch.
(c) A rope.
(d) A fistful of flowers.

5. Who does Ratcliff harass, thinking he knows the truth about the origins of the wild horses?
(a) Eck.
(b) Armstid.
(c) Snopes.
(d) Varner.

6. What does the convict want to take aboard the gruff man's boat that is not allowed?
(a) A knife.
(b) The baby.
(c) The woman.
(d) His own boat.

7. What is Eck's expectation when he enters the court to defend himself against Tull?
(a) That he will win the case.
(b) He has no expectations about the case.
(c) That he will lose the case.
(d) That there will be no decision in the case.

8. Who or what does the tall convict blame for motivating him in crime?
(a) Alcohol.
(b) Comic books.
(c) The devil.
(d) His parents.

9. How much money does the court claim Flem Snopes stole from the Armstid family?
(a) Four dollars.
(b) Three dollars.
(c) Two dollars.
(d) Five dollars.

10. How do the wild horses react when they are released in the auction pen?
(a) They are scared.
(b) They are peaceful.
(c) They are confused.
(d) They are wild.

11. What is the name of the law that prohibits a man from transporting a woman across state lines?
(a) The Marriage Act.
(b) The Chattel Act.
(c) The Freedom Act.
(d) The Mann Act.

12. What color are the uniforms the group of men in Louisiana are wearing, leading the convict to believe they are police officers?
(a) Green.
(b) Tan.
(c) Yellow.
(d) White.

13. Who does Ratcliff claim is directly responsible for the damages the Tull family incurred as a result of the wild horse stampede?
(a) Tull.
(b) Hipps.
(c) Eck.
(d) Flem.

14. Which of the following adjectives does Hipps use to describe the temperament of his wild horses?
(a) Tricky.
(b) Clever.
(c) Sly.
(d) Wily.

15. When the convict and the refugee pass the first boat on the river, what is the gruff man aboard the boat holding in his hands?
(a) A shotgun.
(b) A loaf of bread.
(c) A lantern.
(d) A litter of puppies.

Short Answer Questions

1. How long is the sentence that the convict was sentenced to serve?

2. How does Tull feel about the verdict handed down by the judge regarding his case against Eck?

3. What does the convict use to cut the baby's umbilical cord when it is born?

4. How much money does Henry have to his name at the time he purchases his horse?

5. How does the judge in the Armstid case treat Flem Snopes?

(see the answer keys)

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