Three Famous Short Novels Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 154 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Three Famous Short Novels Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 154 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Which of the following adjectives does Hipps use to describe the temperament of his wild horses?
(a) Clever.
(b) Sly.
(c) Tricky.
(d) Wily.

2. How does the convict feel about the impending delivery of the pregnant refugee's baby?
(a) He is apathetic to it.
(b) He is confused by it.
(c) He is disgusted by it.
(d) He is excited by it.

3. Which of the following families does Ratcliff think does NOT have grounds for a lawsuit, due to the wild horses?
(a) Littlejohn.
(b) Snopes.
(c) Tull.
(d) Armstid.

4. How does the judge in the Armstid case treat Flem Snopes?
(a) He ignores Snopes.
(b) He is rude to Snopes.
(c) He is furious with Snopes.
(d) He is kind to Snopes.

5. How does Eck feel about the verdict handed down to him by the judge in his case against Tull?
(a) He is dissatisfied.
(b) He is apathetic.
(c) He is satisfied.
(d) He is confused.

6. How much money does the court claim Flem Snopes stole from the Armstid family?
(a) Four dollars.
(b) Five dollars.
(c) Three dollars.
(d) Two dollars.

7. Who swears that they saw Flem Snopes return the Armstid money to Hipps before he skipped town?
(a) Henry Armstid.
(b) Wallstreet.
(c) Doctor Varner.
(d) Snope's family.

8. What does the convict want to take aboard the gruff man's boat that is not allowed?
(a) His own boat.
(b) The woman.
(c) The baby.
(d) A knife.

9. Who does Ratcliff claim is directly responsible for the damages the Tull family incurred as a result of the wild horse stampede?
(a) Hipps.
(b) Eck.
(c) Flem.
(d) Tull.

10. How long is the sentence that the convict was sentenced to serve?
(a) 100 years.
(b) 75 years.
(c) 50 years.
(d) 25 years.

11. Who does Ratcliff harass, thinking he knows the truth about the origins of the wild horses?
(a) Snopes.
(b) Eck.
(c) Armstid.
(d) Varner.

12. What sound does the tall convict hear that startles him as he is moving through the camp?
(a) The wind blowing through the trees.
(b) The silence of nature.
(c) The rocks tumbling down the mountain.
(d) The rushing river.

13. What is the name of Eck Snopes' son?
(a) Heathcliff.
(b) Wallstreet.
(c) Mortimer.
(d) Regency.

14. How much does Eck bid on the first horse in the auction?
(a) Five dollars.
(b) Two dollars.
(c) Eight dollars.
(d) Eleven dollars.

15. To whom is the tall convict narrating the story of what happened to him during the weeks he was away from prison?
(a) The warden.
(b) His diary.
(c) The fat convict.
(d) His mother.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is the name of the law that prohibits a man from transporting a woman across state lines?

2. What does the convict use to cut the baby's umbilical cord when it is born?

3. How old was the tall convict when he was first sent to prison?

4. What does Eck's son do to help get the horses ready for the auction?

5. How much is the gift worth that Snopes gives to Henry's wife?

(see the answer keys)

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