Things Fall Apart Quiz | Eight Week Quiz B

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Things Fall Apart Quiz | Eight Week Quiz B

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 212 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Chapter 6.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What are the things that Okonkwo fears most?
(a) Evil and capricious gods.
(b) Failure, weakness, and himself.
(c) The forest and magic.
(d) Forces of nature.

2. The Ibo people consider conversation to be very important. What form of conversation do they regard the most highly?
(a) Proverbs
(b) Sarcasm
(c) Rhyming
(d) Orations

3. How does Okonkwo react to the disastrous growing season that destroy all his yams and the yams of his people?
(a) His heart is broken from the loss of his crop, leaving him depressed and suicidal.
(b) He feels he can survive anything, since he has survived this disastrous year.
(c) He cries and sinks into despair.
(d) He gives up being a farmer, and begins looking for a new trade.

4. What is the only way a young man can build a barn of his own if his father has no yams?
(a) Planting coco-yams.
(b) Saving his money to buy seeds.
(c) Going to his mother and his father's wives for help.
(d) Share-cropping.

5. What is used to inform all the men of the Umuofia to meet in the market place the following morning?
(a) A choir of people singing the message.
(b) The town crier beating on his hollow, metal ogene.
(c) The beating of drums in the night.
(d) A group of armed warriors.

Short Answer Questions

1. When Okonkwo was a boy, his father, Unoka, consults Agbala, the Oracle of the Hills, about why his crops always fail.. What reply did the Oracle give?

2. How does eighteen-year-old, Okonkwo, bring honor to his village?

3. What is the significance of the beating of drums in the village playground, the ilo, where all the great ceremonies and dances of the village take place?

4. Okonkwo is very prosperous, owning a large compound with many huts, and an abundance of food. Ikemefuna is given to Okonkwo to live with him until the clan decides Ikemefuna's fate. How does Ikemefuna react to living with Okonkwo?

5. What drives Okonkwo into a rage on the first day of the festival, leading him to beat his second wife, Ekwefi, and almost kill her with a gun?

(see the answer key)

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