They Call Me Coach Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 119 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

They Call Me Coach Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 119 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Where was Wooden's first high-school coaching job?
(a) Dayton High School.
(b) Springfield High School.
(c) Martinsville High School.
(d) South Bend High School.

2. Wooden was told to report to the U.S.S. Franklin in the South Pacific to serve in what position?
(a) Special operations.
(b) Fitness officer.
(c) Cook.
(d) Deck hand.

3. In Coach's favorite poem, "They Ask Me Why I Teach," what was the answer to the author's question?
(a) Where else could I find more splendid company?
(b) Where else could I spend so much time with children.
(c) Where else could I help children learn?
(d) Where else could I influence young people?

4. Where did Coach Wooden meet his future wife, Nellie?
(a) At a high-school basketball game.
(b) At church.
(c) At his summer job.
(d) At a summer carnival.

5. How did Wooden save up money so he and Nellie could get married?
(a) He sold his car.
(b) He worked in the athletic department.
(c) He played pro basketball.
(d) He took extra shifts waiting tables.

6. Why didn't Wooden go overseas while in the military?
(a) There were too many soldiers overseas and not enough stateside.
(b) Japan surrendered before he shipped out.
(c) He was not qualified.
(d) He was better at helping other soldiers than fighting.

7. What made team forward Keith Erickson very upset during games?
(a) If he made a foul.
(b) If the referee made a bad call.
(c) If he didn't get the opportunity to score.
(d) If Coach Wooden yelled at him.

8. What signal did Coach Wooden give to Nellie before each high-school game?
(a) He gave her the okay sign.
(b) He winked at her.
(c) He waved at her.
(d) He blew her a kiss.

9. Where was freshman player Kenny Washington from?
(a) South Carolina.
(b) Alabama.
(c) Florida.
(d) New York.

10. What other sport did Fred Slaughter play at UCLA?
(a) Soccer.
(b) Swimming.
(c) Football.
(d) Track.

11. Veterans who wanted to go to college after the war could go at the military's expense. This was called the what?
(a) Military College Act.
(b) G.I. Bill
(c) Veteran College Bill.
(d) Education for Veterans Bill.

12. Coach Wooden's father told him to make each day what?
(a) Great.
(b) The best day it can be.
(c) A new beginning.
(d) A masterpiece.

13. How did Doug McIntosh feel when Coach Wooden pulled him from the championship game?
(a) He was angry because he didn't get to play.
(b) He was depressed because his family came to watch him.
(c) He was happy because the team won.
(d) He was mad at his fellow teammates.

14. In what year of Coach Wooden's college coaching experience, did his team win their conference title?
(a) His second year.
(b) His first year.
(c) His third year.
(d) His fifth year.

15. As a child, what did Coach Wooden stuff with rags to make a ball?
(a) His father's old shirt.
(b) His mother's hosiery.
(c) Strips of cloth left over from his mom's sewing.
(d) His brother's overalls.

Short Answer Questions

1. One of Wooden's favorite quotes says, "do not let what you can't do interfere with...?

2. Doug McIntosh was at UCLA on a make good scholarship. What does this mean?

3. Because of an incident between Coach Wooden and his brother as children, what did he vow never to do?

4. Who eventually became principal and superintendent of Martinsville Schools?

5. Why did Coach Wooden reject an offer to play at the NAIA tournament in Kansas City?

(see the answer keys)

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