The Verge Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 105 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Verge Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 105 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who is the first character to come onstage in Act 1?
(a) Claire.
(b) Hattie.
(c) Anthony.
(d) Harry.

2. Which is the best description of Anthony?
(a) A house guest.
(b) Husband of Claire.
(c) A middle-aged man.
(d) A young man.

3. Why can't the second house guest enter the greenhouse?
(a) Anthony has locked the door.
(b) Hattie has locked the door.
(c) The door is frozen shut.
(d) Claire has locked the door.

4. What does the interior of the greenhouse symbolize?
(a) Tom and Claire's relationship.
(b) Harry and Claire's relationship.
(c) The interior of Claire's heart.
(d) The interior of the house.

5. Who are Tom and Dick?
(a) Brothers of Harry.
(b) Gardeners.
(c) Brothers of Anthony.
(d) House guests.

6. Who is the second house guest to arrive at the greenhouse?
(a) Dick.
(b) Anthony.
(c) Tom.
(d) Harry.

7. What does Tom advise Harry to do?
(a) Let Claire go on as she is.
(b) Divorce Claire since he no longer loves her.
(c) Destroy the plants.
(d) Find out who Claire's lover is.

8. Who worries that the cold weather will have adverse effects on the plants?
(a) Harry.
(b) Anthony and Harry.
(c) Hattie.
(d) Anthony.

9. What does the first character do after coming onstage?
(a) Press a buzzer.
(b) Answer a telephone.
(c) Prepare breakfast.
(d) Lock the greenhouse door.

10. What is the special plant in the greenhouse called?
(a) "The Breath of Life."
(b) "The Edge Vine."
(c) "The Edge of Death"
(d) "The Breath Vine."

11. Who is the first house guest to arrive at the greenhouse?
(a) Elizabeth.
(b) Tom.
(c) Dick.
(d) Hattie.

12. Who brings Elizabeth to the greenhouse?
(a) Anthony.
(b) Harry.
(c) Dick.
(d) Tom.

13. In the second part of Act 1, who enters after Harry exits?
(a) Dick.
(b) Claire.
(c) Hattie.
(d) Elizabeth.

14. What do the random growth patterns of the plants represent?
(a) Chaos.
(b) Death.
(c) Ideas and creativity.
(d) Outside forces.

15. What are Anthony's specific instructions?
(a) Keep the special plant alive at all costs.
(b) Keep salt away from the special plant.
(c) Hide the special plant from Harry.
(d) Kill the special plant.

Short Answer Questions

1. Harry and the first house guest have a discussion about what?

2. What does Tom confide to Dick?

3. Who requested that breakfast be served in the greenhouse?

4. What does Claire require the second house guest to do before she will let him enter the greenhouse?

5. Which character joins the first character after the curtain opens for the second time in Act 1?

(see the answer keys)

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