The Rivals Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 98 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Rivals Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 98 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Jack persuade Lydia to do?
(a) be his mistress.
(b) not marry Beverly.
(c) not marry Jack.
(d) run away with him .

2. Where does Jack wait for Faulkland?
(a) On the South Parade.
(b) On the North Parade.
(c) on the beach .
(d) In the park.

3. Why does Jack refuse to speak?
(a) Jack is not in this scene.
(b) Because Lydia will know that Jack is Beverly.
(c) He feels self conscience.
(d) His throat hurts.

4. Was Sheridan familiar with courting practices of the time?
(a) Yes, he married Elizabeth Linsely .
(b) No, he was forced into marriage.
(c) Yes, he eloped with a woman he loved.
(d) No, he never married.

5. What does the viewer wonder?
(a) How Acres feels.
(b) What Jack is thinking.
(c) Where Jack is going.
(d) How Sheridan feels.

6. What does the audience begin to wonder?
(a) Why the three men do not communicate better.
(b) How the three men will resolve their love quarrels.
(c) Why Lydia does not choose her own husband.
(d) Why Jack has told the truth.

7. What is Jack's explanation for his sword?
(a) He wants to kill himself .
(b) He is praciticing his fencing techniques.
(c) That he is wooing Lydia with her romantic tendencies.
(d) He is going to duel.

8. What does Jack propose to Mrs. Malaprop?
(a) For Lydia and Beverly to try to elope.
(b) That he challenge Beverly to a duel.
(c) That he and Mrs Malaprop elope.
(d) For Jack and Lydia to elope.

9. What don't the two men realize?
(a) They both hate Jack.
(b) They have no idea who Faulkland is.
(c) They are courting the same woman.
(d) They both are in love with Julia.

10. What does Lydia throw at Jack?
(a) The picture she thought was of Beverly.
(b) One of her romance novels.
(c) Her necklace Jack gave her.
(d) All of Jack's letters.

11. What does Jack realize about Lydia?
(a) She has betrayed their correspondence.
(b) She is even more beautiful than he remembered.
(c) He does not love her.
(d) He wishes to break the engagement.

12. What does Sir Lucius do when he learns that Mrs. Malaprop is not Lydia?
(a) Refuses Delia/Mrs Malaprop's advances.
(b) Wishes to get to know her better.
(c) Declares his love.
(d) Does not believe the reavalation .

13. Which scene is the most comical?
(a) Scene 3.
(b) Scene 4.
(c) Scene 1.
(d) Scene 2.

14. What happens at the end of their conversation?
(a) Jack pleads for Lydia's forgiveness.
(b) Lydia bursts into tears.
(c) Sir Anthony calls for amends.
(d) Lydia laughs hysterically.

15. What do all of the scenes foreshadow?
(a) the begining of a new story.
(b) the resolution to the story.
(c) the middle of the play.
(d) the climax of the story.

Short Answer Questions

1. Upon Jack's revelation that he is Beverly, what happens?

2. How does Lydia feel like she was treated?

3. Why is Jack so forlorn?

4. What does Lucius start with Jack?

5. Has Jack's ruse failed?

(see the answer keys)

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