The Rivals Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 98 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Rivals Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 98 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Does Sheridan believe all plays should have a moral point of view?
(a) Yes because it is the only way to see the errors of our ways.
(b) Yes.
(c) No.
(d) Sometimes, depending on the subject matter.

2. What does Lucius think Lydia is?
(a) A mistress of language.
(b) a misguided youth.
(c) A loose woman.
(d) an old soul.

3. How did Julia's relationship with Faulkland begin?
(a) Julia was introduced to him by Jack.
(b) Julia met Faulkland on the street.
(c) Julia's father promised Faulkland her hand.
(d) Faulkland fell in love with Julia from afar.

4. What is Thomas' occupation?
(a) footman.
(b) slave.
(c) coachman.
(d) butler.

5. What does Sir Absolute fail to mention?
(a) That he is in love with Mrs Malaprop.
(b) That he wishes Jack was not his son.
(c) That the heiress is Lydia .
(d) That he wishes he could be young again.

6. Why is Faulkland sad?
(a) Because Julia is happy.
(b) Because Julia is unhappy.
(c) Julia has decided to leave him.
(d) Julia is dying.

7. What does Jack decide to do?
(a) Agree to marry Julia .
(b) Remain a bachelor.
(c) Refuse to marry Lydia.
(d) Go along with the arrangement and pretend not to know Lydia.

8. What play is this for Richard Sheridan?
(a) His second.
(b) His first.
(c) His tenth.
(d) He is not the author of this book .

9. Who has Mrs. Malaprop been corresponding with?
(a) Sir Anthony.
(b) Lucius O'Trigger.
(c) Beverly.
(d) Lucy.

10. What is an arranged proposal?
(a) Whe two people love each other very much.
(b) An arranged love match.
(c) Marrying someone a person does not know or love.
(d) When two people decide to marry.

11. What does Jack claim his new desire is?
(a) be a bachelor.
(b) die honorably in a war.
(c) To marry who ever his father chooses.
(d) go abroad.

12. What was occurring in English culture and literature as Sheridan wrote the play?
(a) When Sheridan wrote THE RIVALS, there was great debate about what type of drama should fill the English stage.
(b) The fashions and styles.
(c) The Black Plague totally killed the evolution of culture.
(d) A new styles or wiriting plays.

13. Why does Lydia like Beverly Ensign?
(a) Because he is ectremely rich.
(b) He tries to impress her with his poetry.
(c) Because he is a poor soldier.
(d) He is sweet to her.

14. Who exists the stage first?
(a) the sergeant .
(b) no one exits.
(c) the lawyer.
(d) they exits together.

15. Where is Fag headed at the end of the scene?
(a) to see his lover.
(b) He goes to tell his master who is "rival" is.
(c) To see Faulkland.
(d) to gamble and drink.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why does Jack act innocent?

2. What does the attorney hand to the sergeant at law?

3. Who has Thomas brought to Bath?

4. Who does Captain Absolute give money to?

5. How does Fag exit?

(see the answer keys)

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