Theogony and Works and Days Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 90 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Theogony and Works and Days Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 90 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who does 'Works and Days' address?
(a) Perses.
(b) Athena.
(c) Hesoid.
(d) Zeus.

2. Who does Justice tell Zeus about?
(a) Gods who commit treason.
(b) Muses who are lazy.
(c) Children who sin.
(d) Men with wicked hearts.

3. What does the fifth generation never rest from in 'Works and Days'?
(a) Eating.
(b) Praying.
(c) Sinning.
(d) Labor.

4. In 'Works and Days', who does Hermes deliver the maiden Zeus constructs to?
(a) Troy.
(b) Epimetheus.
(c) Prometheus.
(d) Ero.

5. What, in 'Works and Days', does Hesiod tell his brother to turn his head away from?
(a) Other's property.
(b) Sin.
(c) Murder.
(d) His neighbor's wife.

6. What trade does Hesiod offer to teach his brother in 'Works and Days'?
(a) Sculpting
(b) Pottery.
(c) Trading.
(d) Carpentry.

7. What is the fourth generation like in 'Works and Days'?
(a) Noble.
(b) Deceitful.
(c) Sinful.
(d) Brave.

8. Who should give people wealth according to Hesiod's poem 'Works and Days'?
(a) The Gods.
(b) No one.
(c) Buisness owners.
(d) Banks.

9. In 'Works and Days', what is the third generation like?
(a) Weak and sad.
(b) Foolish and silly.
(c) Wise and gentle.
(d) Strong and violent.

10. What is Hesiod's parting advice in 'Works and Days'?
(a) Look for the Muses.
(b) Follow the golden rule.
(c) Practice what you preach.
(d) Avoid offending the gods.

11. In 'Works and Days', who teaches Zeus's maiden for the mortals about grace and beauty?
(a) Athena.
(b) Pandora.
(c) Aphrodite.
(d) Hera.

12. Hesiod discusses the plow season in 'Works and Days'. During the plowing season when will a worker rise?
(a) In the morning.
(b) In the afternoon.
(c) At night.
(d) He will never sleep.

13. In what season does 'Work and Days' suggest a wagon be built?
(a) The low season.
(b) The dry season.
(c) The rainy season.
(d) The high season

14. In the fable in 'Works and Days', who does the bird attack?
(a) A tiger.
(b) A bear.
(c) A nightingale.
(d) A lion.

15. What, in 'Works and Days', is the fifth generation made of?
(a) Gold.
(b) Silver.
(c) Iron.
(d) Bronze.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who, in 'Works and Days', teaches Zeus's maiden for the mortals about deceit?

2. According to 'Works and Days', if a man listens to wise council, what does it make him?

3. In 'Works and Days', who does Hesiod say the God's will destroy?

4. According to Hesiod in 'Works and Days', what is the fourth generation made up of?

5. What, according to 'Works and Days', does Hesiod say provides food and is not a disgrace?

(see the answer keys)

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