The Bear Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 111 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Bear Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 111 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. The opening line of Chapter 2 is "So he should have hated and feared _____________."
(a) His father.
(b) Himself.
(c) Lion.
(d) God.

2. Ike feels that Boon is a _______________.
(a) Commoner.
(b) Trustworthy person.
(c) Hard worker.
(d) Religious zealot.

3. How many strangers show up at the camp to watch the first day of the hunt?
(a) 25.
(b) 3.
(c) 11.
(d) 7.

4. Who is the man that kills Old Ben?
(a) Buck.
(b) Boomer.
(c) Boon.
(d) Bubba.

5. In what month is Old Ben killed?
(a) May.
(b) December.
(c) January.
(d) November.

6. In what month of the following year does the group return to the camp?
(a) July.
(b) April.
(c) May.
(d) June.

7. How does Old Ben elude the hunters?
(a) Going over the falls.
(b) Going down the river.
(c) Disappearing into a cave.
(d) Crossing the river.

8. Many years later, Ike thinks that Sam must have been glad about what?
(a) He made lots of money.
(b) He married a good woman.
(c) His life was almost over.
(d) He killed Old Ben.

9. What is another reason Ike thinks Sam must be glad his life is almost over?
(a) He had lost an arm in the war.
(b) He had been a slave all his life.
(c) He had to be a Negro for seventy years.
(d) He was in pain all the time.

10. Whose birthdays are celebrated when the men return to camp in the summer?
(a) Ash's.
(b) Sam's.
(c) Ike's.
(d) Major deSpain and General Compson's.

11. Many years later, Ike thinks about the incident and realizes that _________ knew what killed the colt.
(a) Major deSpain.
(b) Ash.
(c) General Compson.
(d) Sam.

12. How much does the dog weigh?
(a) 150 pounds.
(b) 75 pounds.
(c) 50 pounds.
(d) 90 pounds.

13. Who is the mentor to the narrator?
(a) Sam Feathers.
(b) Seth Fathers.
(c) Sam Fathers.
(d) Sandy Feathers.

14. Who is the cook on the hunting trip?
(a) Aaron.
(b) Buck.
(c) Ash.
(d) Dub.

15. Sam says that Lion does not care for ________________-.
(a) Tracking.
(b) Eating.
(c) Anything.
(d) Hunting.

Short Answer Questions

1. Which one of the men finds the dead colt?

2. How old is Buck in Ike in Chapter 2?

3. Who shows up at camp to take Ike home?

4. How many times is Old Ben spotted that first day of that hunting season?

5. Why does Old Ben run the other bears off?

(see the answer keys)

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