The Yellow Wallpaper Test | Final Test - Medium

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The Yellow Wallpaper Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 67 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does John promise the narrator?
(a) A little trip
(b) Another baby
(c) New books
(d) A new home

2. John’s reason for not taking the narrator away from the summerhouse and frightful bedroom is?
(a) Their lease is up in three weeks
(b) He wants to live there permanently
(c) He believes that if she stays she’ll get better
(d) The baby is ill and cannot travel

3. The narrator begs John to _______:
(a) Go shopping
(b) Leave
(c) Cuddle with her
(d) Bring the baby to her

4. Why can’t the figure in the pattern escape?
(a) She needs the narrator to help her
(b) She can’t find her way out
(c) The pattern would strangle her
(d) She doesn’t really want to escape

5. What is nailed down in the narrator’s room?
(a) The desk
(b) The rug
(c) The reading chair
(d) The bed

Short Answer Questions

1. What does John cry for to break down the door?

2. Who carries the narrator upstairs to her room?

3. John threatens to send the narrator to whom?

4. Why does the narrator believe that the figure in the wallpaper is inactive during the day?

5. Where does John go toward the end of the story?

Short Essay Questions

1. What doesn’t the narrator mind about the nursery at first?

2. What does the narrator’s husband and brother prescribe to her for her condition?

3. What does John’s action after seeing his wife creeping around the room suggest about John?

4. How has the major life event that the narrator recently endured affected her mental health?

5. The narrator considers burning the house down to “reach the smell.” What does this say about her condition?

6. Besides the ugly wallpaper pattern, what does the narrator think she sees in the wallpaper?

7. Why is the narrator glad that she is in the nursery and not the baby?

8. What description is horrifying about the wallpaper?

9. What does the woman in the wallpaper do to shake the pattern?

10. Who does the narrator want to help save the woman in the wallpaper?

(see the answer keys)

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