The World's Great Speeches Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Lewis Copeland
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 106 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The World's Great Speeches Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Lewis Copeland
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 106 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who told the troops that men under his command are only his allies?
(a) Adolf Hitler.
(b) Napolean Bonaparte.
(c) Frederick the Great.
(d) Leon Trotsky.

2. According to Isocrates, which war did he believe may be the most famous of Athenian history?
(a) World War I.
(b) The Italian War.
(c) Persian War.
(d) Athens War.

3. In the speech "Address at Angostura", what empire was America compared to after their separation from Spain?
(a) Byzantine Empire.
(b) Persian Empire.
(c) Ottoman Empire.
(d) Roman Empire.

4. Who started the Hull House, a famous settlement for Social Service in Chicago?
(a) Jane Addams.
(b) Booker T. Washington.
(c) Stephen Wise.
(d) Susan B. Anthony.

5. According to Cicero in "First Oration Against Catiline", who was put to death on mere suspicion?
(a) Caius Marius.
(b) Caius Gracchus.
(c) Lucius Opimius.
(d) Marcus Fulvius.

Short Answer Questions

1. According to Daniel Webster, who erected the government of the U.S.?

2. According to the speech "American Labor", what was the best market for American agriculture?

3. In the speech "To His Troops", Lucius Sergius Catiline stated two armies opposed their progress. Rome was one, what was the other army?

4. According to the speech "Rendezvous with Despair", what is the only answer to gloomy predictions regarding the growth of the country?

5. In a speech delivered on February 3, 1800, who refused to negotiate with Napoleon Bonaparte?

Short Essay Questions

1. What were Elihu Root's arguments for the League of Nations?

2. According to Bonaparte's speech "On Beginning the Russian Campaign", describe the second war in Poland.

3. After WWI, why was a disarmament policy against Germany considered criminal?

4. Mirabeau was facing the charge of treason. Describe the indictment against Mirabeau.

5. What did Cromwell feel his duty was to the people of Britain?

6. Describe the proper business of a labor union.

7. Describe Macaulay's view of monarchical and aristocratic institutions.

8. Describe the objectives of the Committee for Industrial Organization.

9. Discuss one advantage of modern inventions.

10. Describe the indictment against Mirabeau.

(see the answer keys)

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