The Woman in White Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 125 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Woman in White Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 125 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why is Mr. Fairlie irritated at having to write a narrative?
(a) He is busy seeking revenge on Sir Percival.
(b) His nerves can't handle it.
(c) English is not his first language.
(d) He doesn't like to write.

2. What is Pesca proud of being?
(a) "A noble town crier".
(b) "Mobile and carefree".
(c) "A perfect Englishman".
(d) "A generous European".

3. Eliza believes Laura objects to Mrs. Rubelle as a nurse due to what prejudice?
(a) Mrs. Rubellie is illiterate.
(b) Mrs. Rubelle is not board certified.
(c) Mrs. Rubelle is too tough.
(d) Mrs. Rubelle is Italian.

4. Sir Percival comments his lake is too shallow to what?
(a) Drown someone.
(b) Swim.
(c) Go boating with Laura.
(d) Fish.

5. At Sir Percival's home, what type of animal does Mariam discover dying?
(a) A dog.
(b) A horse.
(c) A bird.
(d) A cat.

6. Who suggest Sir Percival withdraw his proposal to Laura?
(a) Laura.
(b) Mr. Fairlie.
(c) Sir Percival.
(d) Marian.

7. Why does Marian cry at Laura's wedding?
(a) She is happy.
(b) She is sad.
(c) Laura ignores her.
(d) She is in love with Sir Percival.

8. What does Laura reveal about her memory, when she and Walter are reunited?
(a) All of these.
(b) She remembers Marian.
(c) She was brainwashed.
(d) She remembers Walter.

9. Following Marian's letter to Mr. Fairlie, who visits him personally?
(a) Count Fosco.
(b) Sir Percival.
(c) Marian.
(d) Anne Catherine.

10. Who employs Mrs. Rubelle?
(a) Eliza.
(b) Marian.
(c) Sir Percival.
(d) Count Fosco.

11. Why were the Knowlesbury charges against Walter dropped?
(a) Mrs. Catherick talked to the priest.
(b) No one arrived to prosecute him.
(c) Walter apologized.
(d) He paid off the judge.

12. Laura is believed dead due to what?
(a) Diabetes.
(b) A head cold.
(c) A heart aneurysm.
(d) A blow to the head.

13. Why does Walter choose to keep Sir Percival's secret?
(a) Out of respect for the dead.
(b) Out of kindness.
(c) To protect Laura.
(d) To protect Mrs. Catherick.

14. What is the name of Sir Percival's home?
(a) Blanco Nero.
(b) Blackwater Park.
(c) White Willow.
(d) Whitestream View.

15. What is negotiated prior to Laura's marriage to Sir Percival?
(a) The wedding vows.
(b) The marriage settlement contract.
(c) Where the wedding will take place.
(d) Where Laura will live.

Short Answer Questions

1. Which two women surprise Walter at Laura's grave?

2. Why does Laura refuse to sign documents for Sir Percival?

3. What musician does Walter first hear Laura play on the piano?

4. What does Marian reveal to Walter, regarding Laura and Sir Percival?

5. What is Laura's wedding date?

(see the answer keys)

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