The Woman in the Window Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 188 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Woman in the Window Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 188 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who accompanies Anna into the house once she arrives home from her encounter with the second Jane Russell?
(a) Alistair.
(b) Ethan.
(c) Bina.
(d) Ed.

2. How does Anna regain access to her phone even though her passcode is not working?
(a) She calls Bina to ask for her passcode.
(b) She goes to Ed's desk to retrieve the passcode.
(c) She resets her passcode using her desktop.
(d) She uses the fingerprint scan feature.

3. What three words does Anna always say when walking a patient through a problem?
(a) That's the way.
(b) How are you?
(c) Tell me more.
(d) Let's solve this.

4. What does Anna say Ed does when she applies snow to his face while they are waiting for help after the car accident?
(a) Licks his chin.
(b) Murmurs.
(c) Turns his head.
(d) Does not flinch.

5. What is the Takeda boy's first name?
(a) Jeff.
(b) Charlie.
(c) Nick.
(d) Taylor.

6. How often does Anna suggest to Lizzie that Lizzie should have a handyman visit her home?
(a) Monthly.
(b) Bi-monthly.
(c) Bi-weekly.
(d) Weekly.

7. What reason does Anna give for stopping herself when she starts to drink the bottle of wine after eating a sandwich and drinking a juice box inside the wrecked car?
(a) Wine will dehydrate her.
(b) She will end her period of sobriety.
(c) She may need to drive to get help.
(d) She needs a clear head.

8. Whom does Anna beg to stay overnight with her after it is suggested that she could be in danger due to having witnessed a murder?
(a) Ethan.
(b) Olivia.
(c) Bina.
(d) David.

9. When Anna is speaking to Little on the phone and he warns her to stop following the second Jane Russell, Anna says she hangs up before what can happen?
(a) Before she pours herself a glass of wine.
(b) Before Little can tell her what the consequence will be if she does not stop.
(c) Before Little can hang up.
(d) Before Little can ask her how she is doing.

10. What does Anna NOT name as one of the symptoms she self-diagnoses after the car careens off the cliff in Vermont?
(a) Her back feels broken.
(b) Her ankle feels broken.
(c) Her throat feels seared.
(d) Her head is throbbing.

11. What simile does Anna use to describe what Olivia looks like after Anna releases her from her seatbelt after the car accident?
(a) Like a mannequin.
(b) Like a marionette.
(c) Like a doll.
(d) Like a princess.

12. For what reason does Anna say she has never liked the expression "So: That happened" (235)?
(a) Too trendy.
(b) Too sarcastic.
(c) Too short.
(d) Too flip.

13. In what position does the car come to a rest after careening off the cliff in Vermont?
(a) On its passenger side.
(b) On its driver side.
(c) Upside down.
(d) Right side up.

14. When is Anna's birthday?
(a) November 16th.
(b) November 11th.
(c) October 31st.
(d) November 1st.

15. Who helps Anna get home after she follows the second Jane Russell and has an altercation with her?
(a) Alistair.
(b) Ethan.
(c) Bina.
(d) The Takeda boy.

Short Answer Questions

1. How does Anna gain entry to David's studio when she knocks and he does not answer?

2. What characteristic of the email she receives from a member of the Russell family does Anna judge as evidence that the stated sender had not been the real sender?

3. What reason does Lizzie give Anna for her abrupt departure from the Agora during their previous conversation?

4. Whom does Anna call just after she is sent a picture of herself sleeeping?

5. What advice does Detective Little give to Anna just before Detective Norelli and the Russells leave Anna's home?

(see the answer keys)

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