The Woman in the Window Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 188 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Woman in the Window Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 188 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Whom does Anna call just after she is sent a picture of herself sleeeping?
(a) 911.
(b) David.
(c) Alistair.
(d) Little.

2. What causes the windshield of the wrecked car to collapse so many hours after the crash?
(a) The weight of the snowfall overwhelms it.
(b) Anna kicks the window of the car in order to get the door open.
(c) Ed breaks it in an attempt to escape the snowbound car.
(d) Olivia kicks it when she is delirious with pain.

3. When David reveals to Anna that he has spent time in jail, of what crime does he say he had been convicted?
(a) Forgery.
(b) Assault.
(c) DUI.
(d) Larceny.

4. When Dr. Fielding calls Anna back, she lies and tells him a false reason for her earlier call. What reason does she give for her earlier call?
(a) She wants to get on generic versions of her medications.
(b) She wants to sign her privacy agreement.
(c) Her insurance company needs him to fill out a new questionnaire.
(d) She would like him to come over for lunch sometime soon.

5. After Anna realizes that she has just asked David a question he has already previously answered, she says that she feels as if she is falling through her own what?
(a) Rabbit hole.
(b) Skylight.
(c) Parallel universe.
(d) Mind.

6. What reason does Lizzie give Anna for her abrupt departure from the Agora during their previous conversation?
(a) Her internet went down.
(b) Her kids had come to visit.
(c) She had become too emotionally overwrought by Anna's story.
(d) There had been a fire drill in her building.

7. How many times does Anna tell the detectives she has met Jane Russell in an attempt to convince them that the woman in front of them is an imposter?
(a) Never.
(b) Three times.
(c) Once.
(d) Twice.

8. What simile does Anna use to describe what Olivia looks like after Anna releases her from her seatbelt after the car accident?
(a) Like a mannequin.
(b) Like a marionette.
(c) Like a princess.
(d) Like a doll.

9. When Anna is speaking to Little on the phone and he warns her to stop following the second Jane Russell, Anna says she hangs up before what can happen?
(a) Before she pours herself a glass of wine.
(b) Before Little can tell her what the consequence will be if she does not stop.
(c) Before Little can hang up.
(d) Before Little can ask her how she is doing.

10. For how many hours did Anna, Olivia, and Ed lie injured in the snow-surrounded car after Anna inadvertently drove the car off a cliff?
(a) 24.
(b) 33.
(c) 13.
(d) 46.

11. What reason does Anna give for stopping herself when she starts to drink the bottle of wine after eating a sandwich and drinking a juice box inside the wrecked car?
(a) She will end her period of sobriety.
(b) Wine will dehydrate her.
(c) She needs a clear head.
(d) She may need to drive to get help.

12. What reason does Anna give Bina for her lack of a photograph showing her neighbor's stabbed body?
(a) She had been too shocked to do anything but stare.
(b) She had dropped and broken her camera upon seeing the stabbing.
(c) She had been trying to help her, not to document her murder.
(d) She had thought there would be too much glare between the two windows.

13. What does Anna wear during her venture outside in an attempt to talk to the second Jane Russell?
(a) Pants and a tee shirt.
(b) A bathrobe.
(c) A dress.
(d) Shorts and a tank top.

14. What does Anna drink immediately after the detectives and the Russells leave her home?
(a) Vodka.
(b) Water.
(c) Iced tea.
(d) Wine.

15. To what object does Anna compare the color of David's eyes?
(a) A fig leaf.
(b) Licorice.
(c) A glass of chocolate milk.
(d) The sea.

Short Answer Questions

1. When Anna drives the car off the cliff, the chapter ends with her saying, "We were sailing into the" (222) what?

2. How long does it take Anna to return to watching her neighbors through the window after she begins to avoid the windows and the first floor altogether?

3. When Little calls to warn Anna not to follow the second Jane Russell anymore, Anna thinks to herself that Little would make a good what?

4. What is NOT one behavior named by Anna when she lists the signs that Ethan had been lying during his comment that Anna had never met his mother?

5. Whom does Anna suspect of sending her a picture of herself sleeping?

(see the answer keys)

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