The Winthrop Woman Test | Final Test - Medium

Anya Seton
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 141 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Winthrop Woman Test | Final Test - Medium

Anya Seton
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 141 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How do the Feakes children manage to stay well during this winter?
(a) Telaka gives the children vitamins.
(b) The children drink all of their milk.
(c) The children stay in their own home away from other children.
(d) Telaka gathers herbs to keep them well.

2. Where do Will and Bess now live?
(a) Watertown
(b) Hallet's Point
(c) Pequot
(d) Boston

3. What has instilled fear in the residents of the New Amsterdam area?
(a) The town is overrun by Indians who they fear will turn hostile.
(b) There is a threat of scurvy and tuberculosis.
(c) The church elders are on a witch hunt again.
(d) The area is in danger of flooding from unrelenting rain.

4. How do Will and Bess escape their dire fate?
(a) They are able to convince the governor to reverse their punishment.
(b) John Winthrop intervenes on their behalf with the governor.
(c) Jack Winthrop rescues them and gives them six acres and a home.
(d) They manage to sail to England.

5. What does Will overhear while in Watertown?
(a) Joan has inherited quite a lot of money from her late father's estate.
(b) There will soon be another Indian uprising.
(c) Robert Feake has been arrested for another murder.
(d) Greenwich has been given over to New England and is no longer Dutch.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who is the only other person who sees the love between Bess and Will?

2. What happiness does Bess have in her life now?

3. Why do Toby Feake, Thomas Lyon and Angell Husted arrive at Will's house armed and angry?

4. To where do Thomas and Joan move?

5. What does Bess do after the birth of her son two days before Christmas?

Short Essay Questions

1. What occurs in Chapter 18 to mark the turning point of Bess' personal life?

2. How does Bess' life change dramatically for Bess in Chapter 16?

3. What are some of the underlying reasons for the witchcraft hysteria running rampant in the colony?

4. What is the final symbolic representation of Bess' marriage to Robert?

5. What does Bess do when she and Will are accused of adultery and are about to be parted forever?

6. What does the letter from George Baxter represent to Bess?

7. How does Bess disrupt Thomas' attempt to take her land away from her in the name of Robert Feake?

8. What occurs in Chapter 18 which is a mixed blessing for Bess?

9. What would make the villagers accuse Bess of being a witch?

10. What does Will discover when he visits Watertown one day?

(see the answer keys)

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