The Winthrop Woman Test | Final Test - Medium

Anya Seton
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 141 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Winthrop Woman Test | Final Test - Medium

Anya Seton
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 141 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. When Daniel and Toby return, what do they bring with them?
(a) The head of Ben Palmer and the dead body of Mianos
(b) The head of Mianos and the dead body of John Winthrop
(c) The head of Mianos and the murdered corpse of Ben Palmer
(d) The head of Mianos and the dead body of Telaka

2. Why do Bess and Daniel Patrick go to New Amsterdam?
(a) To settle a dispute about the land they have purchased
(b) To trade coats with the Indians
(c) To buy more guns for protection
(d) To buy supplies for the winter

3. Where do Will and Bess now live?
(a) Watertown
(b) Pequot
(c) Boston
(d) Hallet's Point

4. Where do Will and Bess live now?
(a) Boston
(b) Ipswich
(c) Salem
(d) Pequot

5. What happiness does Bess have in her life now?
(a) Her daughter, Hannah, is turning eighteen and is about to be betrothed to a man named John Browne.
(b) Bess will be able to return to England for an extended visit soon.
(c) Bess finally has all the money she could ever need.
(d) Bess is pregnant again with Will's child.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Bell beg Telaka not to tell her tribe?

2. What happens with the arrival of Captain Underhill?

3. What is Robert Feake's condition?

4. What does Robert do to Bess?

5. Bess learns that ____________________ has returned to Boston.

Short Essay Questions

1. Why are Bess and her family saved during an Indian attack on their home?

2. How does Bess' life change dramatically for Bess in Chapter 16?

3. What occurs in Chapter 18 to mark the turning point of Bess' personal life?

4. Under what conditions is Bess' divorce from Robert granted?

5. What would make the villagers accuse Bess of being a witch?

6. How does Bess disrupt Thomas' attempt to take her land away from her in the name of Robert Feake?

7. How does Telaka prove her loyalty to Bess in Chapter 16?

8. What does Will discover when he visits Watertown one day?

9. What spiritual experience does Bess have in Chapter 24?

10. In addition to England, what other countries are claiming territory in the New World?

(see the answer keys)

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