The Wind-up Bird Chronicle Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 147 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Wind-up Bird Chronicle Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 147 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why is Mamiya given more access to the Russian camp than most Japanese prisoners in his Chapter 30 letter?
(a) He is an officer.
(b) He can speak Russian.
(c) The Russians find him amusing.
(d) He bribes a Russian official.

2. What is Toru Okada's main concern about chatting with Kumiko on a computer in Chapter 19?
(a) He will not know it is her.
(b) She may not understand his intonation.
(c) She can hang up more easily.
(d) Someone can look in more easily.

3. Which of the following descriptors is not used in Chapter 20 in relation to Nutmeg's husband?
(a) Argumentative.
(b) Mysterious.
(c) Arrogant.
(d) Egotistical.

4. What political party does Yoshitaka Wataya belong to?
(a) The conservatives.
(b) The labor.
(c) The libertarians.
(d) The reformists.

5. At what time is May Kasahara writing her letter in Chapter 18?
(a) 4:30 PM.
(b) 8:00 PM.
(c) 2:30 AM.
(d) 10:00 AM.

6. Why is turnover in May Kasahara's wig factory such an issue?
(a) Fumes from the adhesive cause health problems.
(b) Girls are constantly leaving to get married.
(c) Workers hate the job.
(d) Many are fired for stealing hair.

7. What is missing from the bottom of the well in Chapter 31?
(a) The bat.
(b) The rope to close the latch.
(c) The rope ladder.
(d) The door to 208.

8. Why can Cinnamon not speak?
(a) He never learned how.
(b) He decides not to.
(c) He has no tongue.
(d) He has been frightened into silence.

9. In Chapter 13, what does Noboru Wataya offer to do for Toru if he gives up his new property?
(a) Leave him alone.
(b) Pay him handsomely.
(c) Arrage a meeting with Kumiko.
(d) Get him a job in the government.

10. Who is Yoshitaka Wataya?
(a) Kumiko's uncle.
(b) Kumiko's grandfather.
(c) Kumiko's father.
(d) Kumiko's youngest brother.

11. In Chapter 10, May Kasahara's boss tells her that genes determine what percentage of whether someone will go bald?
(a) 0%.
(b) 50%.
(c) 90%.
(d) 33%.

12. What mystical being does Ushikawa liken himself to in Chapter 15?
(a) A siren.
(b) A satyr.
(c) A dragon.
(d) A genie.

13. In Chapter 26, what does Toru suddenly realize about his conversation with Kumiko?
(a) He probably deamt it.
(b) Cinnamon probably monitored it.
(c) It probably was not her.
(d) It will likely be the last time he talks to her.

14. Why does Nutmeg come to the Residence in Chapter 24?
(a) She wants to know about Noboru Wataya.
(b) She misses Cinnamon.
(c) She is tired is having nothing to do.
(d) She is concerned about waining business.

15. What decision has Cinnamon made regarding the business in Chapter 24?
(a) They should permanently close.
(b) They should fire Toru Okada,
(c) They should expand to a second location.
(d) They should cease seeing customers temporarily.

Short Answer Questions

1. In Chapter 20, what does Nutmeg's mother sell in order to enroll her daughter in fashion school?

2. Near the end of Chapter 18, May says that she woke up one day discovered what?

3. In Chapter 28, what type of lessons does May Kasahara remember the Miyawaki girl taking?

4. What has happened to Noboru Wataya in the realm of the hotel in Chapter 33?

5. Who rescues Toru from the well in Chapter 37?

(see the answer keys)

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