The Wild Robot Test | Final Test - Medium

Peter Brown
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The Wild Robot Test | Final Test - Medium

Peter Brown
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 192 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. When autumn arrives and the animals begin to prepare for winter, the scaly animals look for new home and the feather animals grow more feathers. What do the furry animals do?
(a) They rush to build warmer homes.
(b) They swim in the cold water once a day to begin acclimating to the coming cold temperatures.
(c) They grow more fur.
(d) They gather food for storing.

2. When the second lodge catches on fire, what does Broadfoot say is the cause?
(a) The animals have stacked the kindling too close to the fire pit.
(b) The lodge has been struck by lightning.
(c) The animals have put too many logs in the fire pit.
(d) The animals have added sap to the fire.

3. What pseudo-feeling does Roz experience when she watches Brightbill practice his new skill?
(a) Anticipation.
(b) Pride.
(c) Gratitude.
(d) Worry.

4. What does Brightbill's yellow fluff turn into when he moves out of childhood?
(a) A coat of silky white feathers.
(b) A layer of white downy fluff.
(c) A rough coat of quills that will later grow into feathers.
(d) A coat of silky brown feathers.

5. What does Brightbill say when Roz asks him why he has not yet visited the robot graveyard?
(a) He says that the cliff was too steep for him.
(b) He says that Roz had told him not to go, so he had wanted to obey.
(c) He says that he had changed his mind about wanting to see the dead robots.
(d) He says that he had gotten nervous and had wanted Roz to go with him.

Short Answer Questions

1. When Brightbill's first lengthy bout of flying is over, he is tired and pleased, but expresses one regret. What is that regret?

2. How old is Chitchat when Brightbill first meets her?

3. What pseudo-emotion does Roz feel about the friendship between Brightbill and Chitchat?

4. What specific speech pattern does Chitchat use whenever she speaks?

5. What is NOT part of Roz's and Brightbill's nightly routine?

Short Essay Questions

1. How does Roz feel about the relationship between Brightbill and Chitchat?

2. What is significant about the events that transpire on Swimming Day?

3. What unusual sight do Roz and Brightbill see one day during one of Brightbill's practice flight sessions on the ridge?

4. What benefits does the garden provide to the island community?

5. What kinds of sensory details does the author use to describe autumn?

6. When Roz and Brightbill seek out Loudwing to tell them about migration, what does she report?

7. What one regret does Brightbill express surrounding his ability to fly?

8. What does Brightbill say his feelings are about leaving for the migration just before his departure?

9. What is the significance of the old routine to which Brightbill and Roz return the night before he leaves for the migration?

10. When Roz and Brightbill decide they can no longer stand wondering about what will happen when they press Roz's deactivation button and they press it, what happens?

(see the answer keys)

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